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Personal Application Essay: Social psychology

Essay Instructions:

Here is the instruction:

Please write a 2 page essay in which you apply some aspect of

individual differences or social psychology to your own personal life (worth 10 points). Describe one

specific concept discussed in class and/or covered in the readings (in the first paragraph of your essay)

and then link it to an experience or event that has occurred in your life (in the remainder of the essay);

do so in a thoughtful, precise, and concise way. Please use 1 inch margins all around, Times New

Roman, 12 point, double spaced; use the full two pages, but no more. Your essay will be graded using

the following guidelines: turned in on time (2 points), correct format and length (2 points), clearly and

correctly describes class/reading concept (2 points), clearly describes experience/event (2 points), and

clearly and correctly describes link between class/reading concept and experience/event (2 points). I

may read one or two exemplary essays to the class (with the author’s permission). As per university

policy, the following Honor Pledge must be written or typed at the bottom of your essay, followed by

your signature: “I affirm that I have not given or received any unauthorized help on this assignment,

and that this work is my own.”

And here attached the concept we learned:

1) 2/1 (M) Introduction

2) 2/3 (W) Overview of social psych. and individual differences

3) 2/8 (M) Individual differences: Traits and types Packet 1, pp. 1-27

4) 2/10 (W) Continued

5) 2/15 (M) Continued

6) 2/17 (W) Individual differences: Needs and Motives Packet 1, pp. 57-93

7) 2/22 (M) Continued

8) 2/24 (W) Individual differences: Biology Packet 1, 28-55

And below, is reading, just in case you need

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Application Essay
Student's Name
Institution affiliation
Social psychology
Typically, individual differences usually have the defining characteristics of a person, and they have varied benefits. The most pronounced differences in individuals include intelligence and values, and they play an integral role in shaping an individual's life. There are varied types of intelligence, and everyone has a unique IQ; for instance, below 50 are referred to as slow learners while above 120 are described as geniuses. Most of the time, I find it mesmerizing because my intelligence level has enhanced my confidence in studies and real-life situations. I have been working on a small construction firm, and every time I seek to leave the organization, the management is always clinging to me since I am creative. Moreover, individual differences are contributed by race, economic status, and sex. These factors influence the level of intelligence1.
However, no specific race can be categorized as genius people because everyone is born uniquely. Notably, individual differences are hereditary; for example, I inherited my grandfather's intelligence, a renowned businessman in the community. Individual indifferences have played an integral role in my life since they produce different cognition levels and shape individuals' lives. Critical thinking and creativity are embedded in the level of intelligence, which is defined by individual differences. Psychology relies on these traits to determine a person's values. Values are beliefs about what is right or wrong, and they gauge the success and inclusivity in a community. I have learned different techniques on how to accommodate individual differences in life. For example, capitalizing on my abilities and personality, in this case, I have known most of the traits in my family hierarchy.
It is the most profound way to deal with individual differences, and it has helped improve...
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