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Mathematics & Economics
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Country Project part 3 UK &A ustralia. Mathematics & Economics Essay

Essay Instructions:

Same as last time,

Please answer all parts at buttom for both country project. And please use as MANY evidences as possible with good citation.***

Every question needs evidence and citations to support!!

Resources are listed in the document, and you can always use other resources. You can see how we did for previous parts. I can add more money if the word count exceeds.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
You and your group will work through the project sections as we go through the material in class. Each of the sections will have a target due date by which the work for that section should be completed. Your answers to the individual project questions will replace the “[Your discussion here.]” placeholder text in your Google doc.
Your target audience in researching and answering the project questions should be another student in the class or a student who took this class in the past but did not study your country. Therefore, you will want to write up your results in a way that will refresh the reader's memory of the course concepts, and you cannot assume the reader has a detailed knowledge of your country. In other words, you should not take the instructor as your target audience.
Quotations are used sparingly in economics writing. Quotations are typically reserved for cases where preserving precisely what someone else wrote or said is essential. For example, it would be appropriate to quote John Maynard Keynes when writing about the business cycle where you were elaborating on Keynes' views and contrasting them with, say, those of Milton Friedman. It would also be appropriate to quote a policymaker, public figure, expert, an available document, etc., where it is essential, or more effective, to preserve the exact phrasing.
You should refrain from extensive use of long quotations in your work on your project. The purpose of the project is to give you a chance to synthesize information from multiple sources and become comfortable with writing up your findings in your own words.
In writing up your projects, you will want to cite your sources, including the data sources you used. The Brandeis Library has an excellent guide to citation. The two general types of authority are reviewed here. For economics students, I recommend the Chicago style. Economics writing typically uses an author-date citation system, such as Chicago author-date.
Many sources will offer suggested citations that can be used as-is or reformatted for your citation style. The projects should be sufficient to include an inline citation that consists of a link to the resource rather than have a formal bibliography or reference list. Footnotes can also be used where an inline source would be disruptive.
Spelling and grammar check.
The spelling and grammar checkers are turned on by default in the docs set up for the projects. Google Docs underlines what it thinks are spelling errors (in red) and grammatical errors (in blue). While spelling and grammar checkers are not perfect, they have improve...
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