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Taking Command and Strategies to Achieve the Squadron's Objectives

Essay Instructions:

You have just been appointed commander or the civilian leader of your current unit. (If your unit is not at the squadron-level, assume it is.)

As the incoming commander/leader, assess your unit by analyzing its strengths and weaknesses.

Considering what you have learned in this week’s lesson, recommend a new path for your unit. To formalize this new path, create a vision statement for your unit.

Contrast your vision statement with the existing vision of your current commander and defend your changes.

Finally, how do you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of your vision?

Length: 800-1000 words

Please provide a lot of in text citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

(Course name)
(Date of submission) Taking Command/The Practice of Command Taking command does not just mean being the Goliath in the squad but rather the ability to lead the legion to the future. It is a responsibility that should have an inner drive. Successful commanders understand the future in the present time. There are different ways and strategies for every commander to achieve the objectives. Nevertheless, the baseline focuses on the squadron's future, such as determining the strengths and weaknesses of the squadron. Alternatively, the commander evaluates the values and objectives of the current vision. Strengths of the Unit Performance Strength As a commander and top leader, the decisions and future of the unit are determined by the unit's strength. The unit I will be commanding has reflected a great strength based on the previous achievements. Typically, this unit has the strength to fight and deliver incredible results. I believe in the future, and thus, the present will shape the future. The strength of the unit can even be reflected in the attitude of the members. All members have shown a positive attitude and determination to scale their careers high. Communication The squadron unit serves as an organization, and the commander is the CEO. In this case, communication is the only channel to understand the needs of the juniors in every organization. The members in the unit have top-notch interpersonal skills, which are essential in the unit. They practice emotional intelligence when handling and interacting with other members. Therefore, it is easier to understand the needs of the unit effectively. It also means they are ready to share their opinions on the unit's issues, which is critical. Teamwork An essential item in every unit is working together. The primary objective of every army officer is to secure the country and keep people safe. Thus, their only way to enable that objective is by coming together having common reasoning. This particular unit has a great sense of teamwork. It will position the entire unit in the line of success. I believe in success; hence it will be a noble task to lead people with the same mentality. Weaknesses Motivation Some of the methods of increasing motivation are paid leaves, salary increments, and bonuses. Although the members are committed and dedicated to serving the country, they do not receive bonuses for successful operations. The future of this unit will improve if they get bonuses and salary increments. Notably, fatigue at work can result from the unsatisfied needs of the unit members. Success will be guaranteed if the basic needs of the members are met. Psychological issues The unit is struggling with psychological issues such as stress and anxiety. It is a job that requires great sacrifice, and sometimes the members are psychologically drained. These issues are transferred to the family members and the members in general. The New Path of the Unit The unit has experienced tremendous success in the past years. As discussed, every commander has strategies to steer the squadron members in the future. Therefore, as the upcoming commander in the unit, I have proposed a new path for the unit that will determine future success. It will help shape the future of the unit and the members at large. Some of the great commanders in the history of America, such as Col. Timothy Timmons, changed the paths of their squadrons and positioned them to success. “Our vision is to create warrior ethos and professional Airmen ready to defend their flag at all cost.” This will be the vision statement for the new path in the squadron. The previous v...
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