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Presidents Image Management, Recommendations, and Risks

Essay Instructions:

Compose a 3-5 page paper (not including notes). Essays must be double spaced, have 1” margins all around, use black, Times New Roman 12-pt font, and utilize appropriate methods of citation (preferably Turabian/Chicago, endnotes)
In Chapter 2 of The Presidency and the Political System (which was not assigned), Lyn Ragsdale observes how presidents have virtually ignored the valuable insights which political scientists might offer regarding the executive branch. Ragsdale places particular emphasis on the President’s “image management,” and the need for something like “Presidency Advisors” to help the President improve his or her grasp of the office itself. Without assuming any particular candidate, identify at least 5 recommendations you would offer to the next President in regards to image management, and explain how each recommendation would help them meet specific challenges. Also consider what risks might be involved in cultivating a specific image. 

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The Presidential Image
An Essay on Presidents Image Management, Recommendations, and Risks
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The president who is also the commander of security organs in most countries is the powerful presentation of a country's image. This makes him/her the chief policy maker and strategist. In so saying the picture that the president assumes when in office reflects not only the interests of his subjects but goes a long way in determining the global successes and achievements for that nation, solely dependent on the public image portrayed by the president. Image presentation, therefore, works best when ideals are well coupled to a nation's ambitions and the world is convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that they are suitable and should be adopted.
The exigencies of the media today, therefore, serve to coerce the presidents into crafting and maintaining of a positive image. In a nutshell, therefore, image management can be described as the synergistic application of doctrines and diplomacies into ensuring the efficient upholding of core values and precepts of ordinary people with a practical, goal-oriented, objective minded commander in chief. It is for that paramount reasoning that recommendations for the next commanders- in-chief alias incoming presidents should adhere to and use effectively as states Jeremy D. Mayer in Presidential Studies Quarterly.[Jeremy D. Mayer, Presidential Studies Quarterly Volume 34, Issue 3 September 2004 Pages 620-631]
The articulate use of communication and language should be one of the strengths that an incoming president should and must adopt. This is because as the adage goes there is power in words and especially when one speaks of purpose and vision. Take a look at the outgoing U.S. President Barack Obama. President Obama goes down in history as one of the most eloquent leaders of his time. It was through his power of speech and carefully interweaving of art and language that in fact got him into appealing to the voter's hearts back in 2002 as Schemer shows. This strength could also pose the risk of political bias as explains Wallas when he claims that citizens become expressive, biased and invariably prone to insinuations and sign appeals. Furthermore, Heller a renowned political analyst depicted persuasive propaganda as being changed ideas that willingly disregards and omits any information that it deems harmful to a cause. As the aspect of effective communication skills is a must-have tool for the recommendation of any aspiring presidential hopeful, it can also be a destructive one as well.[Schemer, C. 2012. Reinforcing spirals of negative effects and selective attention to advertising in a political campaign. Communication Research [online]. 39(3), [Accessed 24 April 2013], pp.413-434. Available from: http://crx.sagepub.com/content/39/3/413.] [Wallas, G. 1920. Human nature in politics (3rd ed) [online]. [Accessed 20 November 2012]. Available from: http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/econ/ugcm/3ll3/wallas/humannature.pdf.] [Heller, S. 2006. On Nigel Holmes: on information design. New York: Jorge Pinto Books.]
The ambitious president can also use the timeworn tactic in controlling of his image and increasing of his political photographic powers. A positive political image merits a candidates polls rating and enables the shaping of the reigning office's agenda thus eliciting loyalty from citizens and the world as a whole. Smith advocated therefore that considerable effort should be ex...
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