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New York City: The Most Renowned Cities In The World

Essay Instructions:

1. This essay is using my perspective and name to write, need to describe the differences between New York city and my hometown in China (The details is uploaded "Teacher's requirement" document)
2. If writer is a Chinese (better if), please write about the southern city in China, Im from ShenZheng.
If writer is not a Chinese, writer can write my hometown in California (Im a freshman in US college, I lived in California for 4 years in high school. Somehow, California can be my hometown too.
3.Doesn't have to be a high level English, 70-80 for a TOFEL level would be fine.
4. *double space(The file "Teacher's requirement" has all the requirements)
5. *Sources Need to use my selected source, no other sources would be acceptable, I will upload the article.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

New York City: Home
New York City is one of the most renowned cities in the world. It encompasses many people from around the world, for example, the Africans and the Asians. The city is made of so many buildings, some have been newly built, but others look a little bit old. The city has beautiful elements of decoration that are found on its streets such as owl, dolphins, and eagles sculptures. The city has the condition of the total, interlocking traffic congestion on its streets in that people cannot easily move because everyone is in someone else’s way. Many people move into the city in the hope that their lives will be better but they are met by so many adversities. For example, the foodstuffs are very expensive, finding a rental house is a problem and those who are lucky to find one they end paying a high amount of money. New York City differs from Shenzen a city found in China by way of writing.
Writing in new York city and Shenzhen differs in that in new York city people are expected to communicate portraying individualism where for example in writing composition the school's instructors expect one to always include the letter I in their writing because they should include what they think and feel in their writing (Shen f, 2016). However, in Shenzhen city individualism is considered as selfish and disrespectful. Individuals are expected to see themselves as teams or as a country, and therefore in their writing, they always convert the letter I into we (Gilbreath, 20160. They are expected to write in a manner that expresses unity and productivity.
The rules of writing also differ in the New York and Shenzhen city for example in the New York City learners are supposed to write co...
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