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Milgram's experimental research

Essay Instructions:

Directions: watch this on youtube or some library The film "Obedience" shows the experiments conducted by Stanley Milgram in the late 1960s. These experiments were designed to understand how individuals react to directions given from sources of authority. While Milgram experiments produced some interesting findings, some have criticized Milgram for his treatment of human subjects. After viewing the film, write a essay that discusses the regulation of the treatment of human subjects . Why are strict reg ulations necessary? Did Milgram treat the human subjects in an unethical way? Requirements: 1.5, no longer than 2 pages 12 point Times New Roman Font o 1” Margins o Double - Spaced A Good Essay Could Include A Discussion of: (pick one of these subjects) Why His Experiments Fall Within the Guidelines for Ethical Treatment or How YOU Can Avoid Unethical Treatment of Human Subjects in YOUR (first person) Research

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Stanley Milgram's obedience experimental research
Milgram’s experiment sought to establish how authority influence people’s decisions to obey, demonstrating that people typically obey in order to appear cooperative or because of fear. Upon using the apparent shock like jolt treatment, the participants were less willing to object when the shock was extreme even after the subjects apparently objected to higher voltage shocks (Markho, 2010). In the experiment, there was no emphasis on the risk to the participants, and regulations on treatment of human subjects should minimize the risks, while the researcher should take into account the likely benefits. The regulation also takes into account the need to get informed consent from the subjects. Even though, there subjects were willing to take part in the experiment, there was an element of coercion during the experiment, and the participants were vulnerable to undue influence and coercion.
At the time of carrying out the experiment, the ethics appeared reasonable, but the experiment falls within the guidelines for ethical treatment. Participants in an experiment should ideally have correct information for them to give their consent during the experiments. Besides understanding the consequences of the experiments, follow-up studies are necessary to ensure that the participants were not harmed. Even though, the follow-up indicated that the participants did not suffer negative psychological effect, there is no indication that the researcher focused on the possible effect of emotional distress. Hence, Milgram’s experiment falls within the standards set for ethical treatment. In modern times, use of deception during experiments is frowned upon, showing that the experiment raises questions about the ethical conduct of researchers in the field of psychology in cases where they result to using deception.
There is a need for strict regulations in order to maintain safety ...
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