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Kiera L. Ladner and Leanne Thompsons This is an Honour Song

Essay Instructions:

YOU CAN just focus on one reading but please get a little connection with other readings(just mention them for a few sentences is fine)AND please write some your own opinions and responses except for summary!!!

Here is the requirement from professor:

Please submit a response that engages critically with the readings from this module (see list below). Your critical response should not be a summary. You may briefly paraphrase the content of the readings, but you must also engage critically with them. Responses should be ca. 1 page, double-spaced. Ask questions, discuss your own perspective, and build connections between the readings. You will be graded based on the following:

- Drawing connections between the readings

- Formulating a clear, overarching argument or primary question

- Moving beyond the content of the readings and proposing your own ideas that relate to these topics

- Citing your sources (please use Chicago Style with footnotes)


Peer Review:

Following the submission of your response, you will be assigned two peers' papers to review. In turn, you will receive feedback from two of your peers. When performing peer review, please consider how effectively your peers fulfilled the criteria mentioned above. Constructively pointing out instances in which their writing was effective, and how they could improve or push their writing. 


Module 3B Readings:

Richard W. Hill, “Linking Arms and Brightening the Chain: Building Relations Through Treaties,” & Mark G. Hirsch, "The Two-Row Wampum Belt," in Susan Shown Harjo Ed., Nation to Nation: Treaties Between the United States & American Indian Nations. Washington DC: Smithsonian Books, 2014: 37-60.

Wanda Nanibush, “Love and Other Resistances: Responding to Kahnesatà:ke Through Artistic Practice” in Leanne Simpson and Kiera Ladner, eds., This is an Honour Song: Twenty Years Since the Blockades, Arbeiter Ring Press, 2010: 165-193.

Audra Simpson and Faye Ginsburg, “The Oka Crisis: The Power of a Woman with a Movie Camera,” in Alanis Obomsawin, 270 Years of Resistance: Essays, articles and documentation (Montreal, Quebec, Canada: The National Film Board of Canada, 2008), 18-32.

Jason Lewis and Skawennati Tricia Fragnito, “Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace” Cultural Survival Quarterly (Summer 2005): 29-31.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Response
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Kiera L. Ladner and Leanne Thompson’s “This is an Honour Song” is a powerful reading about history and social change, and memories and action. Overall, this reading typifies a sampling of the existing “state of knowledge” amongst individuals advocating for indigenous self-determination. A responsibility is presented to readers to infer all the images and voices regarding their own political education and experience, and derive their own conclusion on the desired action course to be followed. The underlying message is summed up by the editors thus: “an action course must be taken – before time elapses.” No room for self-indulgent nostalgia is left in this reading; instead, this is an action call for indigenous self-determination, social justice, and for the environment in this country and beyond.[. Simpson, Leanne and Kiera L. Ladner, eds. 2010. This is an Honour Song: Twenty Years Since the Blockades – An Anthology of Writing on the “Oka Crisis.&...
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