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Gender in Beowulf: Textual Construction of Patriarchy and Masculinity

Essay Instructions:

The final essay is an opportunity for you to follow a specific line of inquiry about any of the texts read this semester. Your line of inquiry and topic of engagement is your choice, however, I encourage students to include the following in their research and writing:

- Focus on 1 or 2 texts from our course

- Determine a question about the text(s) that your essay seeks to answer

- Use at least 1 proper, academic source (article, book)

- Words: 1,500-1,700

- Citation: Chicago, Footnotes

When choosing your text, consider what excites and inspires you - do you want to investigate voice, race, gender, sexuality, disability, art, economics, law, etc.? What question do you want to ask of your texts? How does your text(s) connect with our concerns in our current time?

Texts include:

-Medieval Bodies by Jack Hartnell: attached as pdf

- Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:


- The Book of the Duchess:


- The Parliament of Fowls:


- Silence: A Thirteenth-Century Romance: attached as pdf

- Beowulf: A New Translation: attached as pdf

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Beowulf, the epic poem composed between the 8th and 9th centuries, stands out among its peers as a powerful testament to the construction of masculinity and patriarchy in Western culture. Through its 3,182 lines of alliterative wildness, the poem showcases its characters' attempts to grapple with the idea of good leadership and how to maintain the title of 'good king.' This paper explores how Beowulf constructs its version of masculinity and patriarchy and continues to influence literature today. Using a postmodern lens to analyze Beowulf critically, this paper will explore how these masculine ideals were perpetuated through literature and how they can still be seen in modern works.
Beowulf is widely recognized as a representation of masculinity that emphasizes traditional ideals of bravery, strength, and prowess in battle. In the poem, Beowulf is depicted as an iconic hero who displays forte and valor in the face of adversity, which in turn serves to bolster the male-dominated social order. According to Heaney, “Beowulf is a man of courage and a mighty fighter…His heroic bearing and ready response to every challenge bring him distinction and fame. p23.” These characteristics exemplify the prevailing notion of manly honor and courage and are used to construct a symbolic notion of being a man. In addition, Beowulf is characterized as an idealized warrior who can slay enemies and easily conquer all obstacles. This highlights traditional masculine power, whereby men are expected to be strong, resilient, and courageous in the face of danger. As Cavell states, “These characters’ monstrous bodies echo the valued artifacts of the human world, to the extent they embody the precious objects of armor and weaponry (p. 158).” These depictions of masculine gallantry and power promote patriarchy, where men are assumed to be superior to women and are seen as the ultimate source of authority.[Heaney, Seamus. 2000. “From Beowulf: A Special APR Supplement.” The American Poetry Review 29 (1): 21–28. /stable/27783312.] [Cavell, Megan. 2014. “Constructing the Monstrous Body in Beowulf.” Anglo-Saxon England 43: 155–81. /stable/26326811.]
With its heroic themes, Beowulf is often seen as an embodiment of masculinity. The protagonist is an archetypal hero, a sturdy and daring warrior expected to take risks and show valor in the face of danger. This expected behavior reinforces certain ideals of masculinity, such as strength and courage, and suggests that these are the key characteristics of a true man. The expectation of taking risks and demonstrating courage is further highlighted by the poem's many references to heroism and the hero’s willingness to risk his own life for the good of others. The poem indicates, “He rose in the realm   and became a famous warlord, fighting dawn to dusk ferociously.” By presenting this version of masculinity as the ideal, Beowulf reinforces that male behavior should follow certain patterns and expectations. Furthermore, this heroic figure reinforces a patriarchal structure, as the hero is seen as the protector and defender of society.[(Beowulf, 56-58)]
Beowulf reinforces patriarchy by placing male characters in power and authority over female characters. The poem presents male characters such as Beowulf and Hrothgar as wise and respected leaders, while female characters are notably absent from the narrative. These gender roles are further reinforced by Beowulf's loyalty to the male-dominated hierarchical structures of society. The poet states, “Beow rolled into the righteous rule, daddying for decades after his daddy died.” Beowulf underpins the text's dominant patriarchy and masculine authority by protecting and defending the male-dominated societal order. Also, Beowulf's loyalty to his lord and king, Hrothgar, further exemplifies the reinforcement of patriarchy.[(Beowulf 52-53.)]
In a patriarchal society, loyalty to the king is a way of honoring the status quo. In Beowulf's portrayal, loyalty is a mark of respect, a sign of honor, and an indication of reverence for male authority and power. In another instance, the king is always portrayed as a man and a symbol of authority. When female characters enter the narrative, they are often depicted as soft and caring, such as Hildeburh, who “...raised her voice in mourning, keening for her kin, as the pyre was lit. Smoke smothered her song.” The power dynamic between male and female characters is further highlighted through the symbolic use of weapons, such as swords, associated with male power. In the text, Beowulf “drank deeply, pleased and petted… The Halfdane’s sword … as ...
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