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Every Creative Person needs a Rival. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs as Rivals

Essay Instructions:

Choose ANY TWO people mentioned in the article.

https://medium(dot)com/what-do-you-want-to-know/every-creative-person-a2faaa07bf6b (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Write a brief summary of what the author believes, (his suggestions).

Tell me whether or not you agree and why you do/don't.

Use ONE other source that is NOT an internet blog article. It can be an ebook or journal article. Do the research by using search engines on the internet and find something to support your argument.

This must be at least ONE and a HALF pages, double spaced.

Your response must be at least 300 words plus TWO citations /footnotes or your score will be lowered substantially.if its not possible to write 550 words then around 400 is also fine

Include two footnotes minimum, one should be based on the above URL, and the other on the source of your choice.

You can use the Writer's Reference Guide, A Writer's Reference, 7th Edition.pdfPreview the document and demonstrate that you know how to create footnotes.

Use at least one other source (ebook or website/ internet source) and cite it accurately.

You have 75 minutes to complete this written test.

Upload a Word file (so please use .doc/.docx) or export in .doc/.docx if you are using Pages, you have to export as PDF or .doc

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs as Rivals
Institutional Affiliation
In the article, “Every creative person needs a rival,” Edward Boches believes that it is fine for people to have rivals and successful companies today, at some point had rivalries that made them become competitive in the global market. Boches adds that rivals are good as long as one keep them positive. A rival is someone who makes one jealous of their success and makes an individual want do something that can grant them a similar success story. Rivalry makes people to stop what they are doing and start the process again for them to achieve similar results as their rivals. An example of two people who had rivals in their lives are Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. The two successful tech entrepreneurs ended up being rivals and co-founded the most successful companies in the world, as we know today.[Edward Boches. Every creative person needs a rival. https://medium.com/what-do-you-want-to-know/every-creative-person-a2faaa07bf6b August 3, 2015, Accessed December 19, 2018]
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates founded Apple and Microsoft in 1976 and 1975 respectively. The two companies are the world’s most popular brands and the rivalry between the two co-founders has been documented for many years in the past. Jobs openly condemned Microsoft for producing poor quality products in 1995 and a few years later, Gates claimed that he never admired Apple’s iPad. In 2010, Gates wished that Microsoft had launched a similar product and made it even better. Before Job’s death, the two leaders spent many hours reminiscing about their ha...
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