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Essay on the Novel "Pride and Prejudice" about How Jane Austen shows the reader that virtue is necessary for happiness in marriage?

Essay Instructions:
The essay should be a MINIMUM of 500 words, and should contain AT LEAST five well-developed paragraphs, including your introductory and concluding paragraphs. Each paragraph must contain at least three examples to support the topic sentence, whether by direct quote or by reference. The introductory paragraph should state the title of the book as well as the name of the author. The thesis statement presents the main point of the essay, and establishes the position which your essay will support or prove. The thesis statement should be located at the end of the introductory paragraph, the previous sentences leading up to it. If you quote from the book, you must note the page reference in parentheses next to the quote. Make sure each paragraph has a topic sentence and concluding [or summary] sentence. You should have at least seven middle sentences in each paragraph, which would be the evidence or proofs to prove the point that you state in the topic sentence. Your essay must have a concluding paragraph. The concluding paragraph usually starts with a restatement of the thesis. Do not bring up any new examples or proofs in the concluding paragraph. The concluding paragraph sentences can be a summary of the essay. It could contain a personal observation. Do not use first or second person pronouns in your essays, such as “I” or “you.” Use present tense. How does Austen show the reader that virtue is necessary for happiness in marriage? Based on the novel alone, evaluate the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and compare it with the relationship that Elizabeth and Darcy have formed by the end of the novel (which predicts happy marriage in their future). Discuss the lack of virtue in the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. What virtues, such as respect, charity, humility, and understanding, do they lack? Note a similar pattern in the beginning of Elizabeth and Darcy’s relationship, but consider how each of them works to gain virtue and overcome faults. What virtues have Darcy and Elizabeth gained and how? How does this predict their future marital happiness? You may use the following thesis statement if you choose: Jane Austen uses her characters Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, Elizabeth, and Mr. Darcy to show that virtue is essential in the happiness of a marriage, and that without it, a relationship will break down.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Virtue is Necessary for Happiness in Marriage Student Name Student Number Course Date Virtue is Necessary for Happiness in Marriage In her novel, Jane creatively portrays the virtue of marriage between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, Elizabeth and Darcy. The virtues of understanding, intelligence, transformation, and morality are creatively shown through characters such as Darcy, Elizabeth, and r Bennet. Also, the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen demonstrates that virtues are significant for a successful and happy marriage. Jane skillfully uses characters to achieve the goal by showing the characteristics and nature of their relationship. Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist, struggles to adapt to the social norms of the 19th century when the novel was written. Therefore, this paper intends to show how Jane Austen used virtue in marriage during the nineteenth century, focusing on how it could contribute to happiness in such an entity. Austen depicts Mrs. Bennet as a woman of value who refuses to be married for financial gain. She is portrayed as a woman with solid orality, independence, and understanding. Further, throughout the novel, she is portrayed as intelligent and a woman who values honesty, integrity, and charity, which guides her decision-making and actions. For instance, she refused Darcy's first proposal of marriage despite his being wealthy and attaining the social rank she admired. This proves she is loyal to Mr. Bennet and cannot be swayed by material things to leave him. Her character is significant as it portrays a woman driven by morals and loyalty as well as emotional connect...
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