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Critical Thinking: Animal Farm

Essay Instructions:

Compose an essay in which you apply critical thinking skills we have learned from Alan Jacobs' book to an analysis of George Orwell's classic novel, 1984. In the novel, what happens to critical thinking? How and why does it happen? What are the implications for our world today? How does Orwell's novel help us understand the deterioration of critical thinking? How does the novel help us become better human beings and citizens? Your essay should be 4-5 pages in length. At the conclusion of your essay, please include the following statement: The contents of this essay are entirely my own. I have quoted and cited all sources I have used in my reading and composition. Use times new roman 12 with 1 inch margins

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When a person only listens to one side of the story and decides whether the other side is at fault can be referred to as biased. It creates unequal judgment, which makes the identity of the other on the opposite side of the coin. To control such situations, critical thinking is obliged to be used to provide decisions and reasonings that are appropriate and without bias. 1984 provided a significant impact on its readers and conforms various analyses, especially in critical thinking. This paper will explore the idea of critical thinking in the novel and present society.
The book written by George Orwell in 1948 and was published last June 1949, which served as his most successful and famous literary piece, was titled 1984. The story circulated to grand themes such as totalitarianism, which Orwell provided a possible future due to their current circumstances. It was also explained that this book shows the idea of possible actions related to this during the World War as the story concerns the manipulation of history, language corruption, and many more. Representing the future ideas of possible totalitarianism in their county, the book was well accepted by the people who could make either reason out to two; the people were entertained on the book’s flow, or they accept the idea that totalitarianism can be present in the future.[de Jong, V. E. "The Art of Totalitarianism: A Critical Analysis of George Orwell’s" Nineteen Eighty-Four", Joyce Carol Oates’s" Hazards of Time Travel" and Yoko Ogawa’s" The Memory Police"." Master's thesis, 2020.]
The story goes from how the book’s protagonist represents a citizen that questions his surroundings of how it disapproves of their freedom, and his name is Winston Smith. He was an ordinary guy that lives in Oceana and part of the Outer Party. He survives by manipulating the historical documents of making the Party, the head organization of Oceana, look like a good influence to people. Despite being deprived of love, freedom, and language, Winston pursued his conviction as he wrote his thoughts in a diary and pursued love with Julia. Later in the story, although they thought they had comrades who had the same perception, Winston and Julia were only under the trap the Party had made for them. In the end, the relationship between the two lovers ended and eventually followed the rules under the Party.[Orwell, George. Nineteen eighty-four. Oxford University Press, 2021]
This story presented various possible ideas for criticism as it is a story that conceptualizes oppression and power, which many people encourage to conquer. Furthermore, as presented, this paper will discuss the connection between critical thinking and the story itself. To elaborate, critical thinking refers to how an individual critically assesses a situation regardless of irrelevant factors. It is a skill that encompasses various capabilities such as appropriate analysis, intellectual judgment, deductive or inductive reasoning, decision making, or problem-solving. Also, critical thinking can be referred to as being rational or is a combination of different cognitive modalities.[Lai, Emily R. "Critical thinking: A literature review." Pearson's Research Reports 6, no. 1 (2011): 40-41.] [Moore, Tim. "Critical thinking: Seven definitions in search of a concept." Studies in Higher Education 38, no. 4 (2013): 506-522. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2011.586995]
In the novel of George Orwell, critical thinking was removed from Winston and the other people of Oceana as they blindly follow the rules and propaganda procured by the system of the Party. Observing the surroundings, Winston was part of the society that followed the system and is continuously aware of its rules. The rules under the society in the story were to expect peace within the war, be under slavery due to freedom, and present that being strong is ignorant. This refrains them from expressing their thoughts freely and taking action by their decisions. It is like they are trapped in a cage filled with only walls with not a single bolt of light within.
When the lines came, “Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a shallow whisper, would be picked up by it, moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard,” it represented how the people were under surveillance in every word and action they took. However, during the middle of the story, Winston was able to think differently from his surroundings, making it the first step towards rationality and critical thinking. He started writing diaries as if making assumptions that future people could read his writings. It satisfied him when he started writing in his diaries as if po...
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