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Bentham, Locke, and Mill: Utilitarianism on Sexuality-Based Laws

Essay Instructions:

essay question: 2)In many US states the majority of the people believe that same sex intercourse is immoral and that God determines people's genders (female/male). Thus it is immoral to change one's gender, as transgender individuals do. Since the majority believes that same sex intercourse is perverse and should be illegal, that same-sex marriage is an abomination, and that transsexual individuals should use the bathrooms that correspond to the gender on their birth certificates, would Bentham, Locke, or Mill agree with criminalizing same-sex intercourse, and banning same sex marriage and transsexual use of the bathrooms they identify with?

use resources from Bentham, Locke or Mill

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In the recent past, there have been some significant debate with reference to right to gays and using the toilets. There is a norm that is centuries old, where women are allowed to use toilets that are designated for ladies and the men use the gents. This is an aspect that is usually displayed on the doors and in most of the cases on the walls leading to the restrooms in any public area. However, with the gay rights activities on the rise, there is a debate as to whether, gay men should use the ladies’ rooms or the transgender men should use the ladies. Faction of the debate feels that, anyone who is indicated as male on their birth certificate should always use the gents’ restrooms.[The University of Vermont, Philosophers In Review, ebook, 1st ed., 2017, accessed June 5, 2017, /url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj-zZiB26bUAhWsAMAKHeWTDksQFggqMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdebate.uvm.edu%2Fdcpdf%2FNFL_LD_philosophersinreview.pdf&usg=AFQjCNG33-YzYXJ_kb1AcPOfgEixqPIxaA&sig2=gNlyOu8pDhNWIwLAXjW6vQ.]
To put this debate into perspective, this is an issue that regards social liberties and their limits along with the power associated with the same and how this can it can be used by individuals and/or society. To better understand the elements of the debate from a philosophical view it is important to look at the utilitarianism philosophies. This focuses on the effects of human action, not just on the individual but the society at large.
According to Jeremy Bentham, humans seek pleasure and avoid pai...
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