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Analyse on David Hockney and Ramiro Gomez

Essay Instructions:

Its a comparison of two oil painting

Left is the original, right is the imitation and recreation by a young artiest

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In David Hockney’s paining, the artist depicts an idyllic environment where there is a swimming pool focusing on sun and leisure. There is a big splash as the subject dive into the swimming pool. The splash is the only sign that there is someone around and this shows that the person is there for relaxation, and the artist captures a transient moment. In the case of  Ramiro Gomez’s recreation of the painting, the artist does not include the splash, but rather the sign of human beings is two male figures one cleaning the swimming pool and the other the windows. Rather than focus on relaxation, Gomez focuses on the two workers and not simply sun and sensuality like the original creator. The artist deemphasizes splendor in favor of the life of the average person working to ensure that the swimming pool is clean. While Hackney’s splash picture shows a relaxed atmosphere where the subject takes a dive the colors are uniform and monotonous as though the life of the subject is desolate. The house is painted in warmer colors, mostly gray and brown. The subject who is in the water is not shown and there is no moving object or person, while there is only one chair. In Gomez’s picture the two laborers work in different sections of the property. These are the two figures in the picture, and even as the two are not shown to be interacting they are not as isolated as the subject in the first picture. The workers are no longer invisible as their labor to make other people comfortable is highlighted in the re-creation.  Gomez appreciated the workers and the surroundings while Hackney only focused on the surroundings. In both paintings the tip of a diving board is visible, but Hockney emphasized splashed water, implying there was possibly that the subject is underwater, and it is a time of relaxation where the subject could be in their own backyard. The colors are also lighter shades than the other painting where the water is darker blue. Gomez did not include the splash and the swimming pool’s water is calm, as the only activity around is the male figure cleaning. In the second version, the workers are faceless, and these details were not in the original painting. The atmosphere in the first picture is relaxed and it is sunny, and since there are palm trees behind the house the residence is in a coastal location. The existence the swimming pool may indicate that this was normal in the location that even seeing splashes of water was a common sight. To the owners of the residences this is possibly not a luxury, and since David Hockney lived in California it was most likely he was depicting what he saw there. In Gomez’s painting he drew attention to the two workers, who most likely saw that the swimming pools were luxurious. Among the working class men, their only connection to the swimming pool is that they came there to find a source of income. The diver under water is not revealed in Hockney’s painting, but he or she is comfortable and at home in the environment, as they are part of the community.  The subject does not need to be noticed since their leisure activities and presence in the area is common, that nothing seems out of the ordinary.  Gomez changed the scene with two workers who appear dark skinned who possibly work regularly cleaning the compound and the swimming pool. In doing this, he drew attention to the importance of the pool cleaners and the ground watchers who kept the place cleaner. The work of these people goes unappreciated and they are not seen as part of the community despite their contribution.  Just like Hockney represented a world that was unseen to the outside world other than the coastal community, so too does Gomez show the life of workers. The differences between the two paintings are clear by what is depicted and left out in Gomez’s painting. It is the labor that often goes unrecognized that keeps the location cool, and as Gomez is a Lat...
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