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Crime Nexus and The U.S. And International Coordination

Essay Instructions:

This is an essay assignment of 2 questions, 3 pages each, to test knowledge and assimilation of the subject.

Answer each of the following questions. Be sure to use several sources to support your argument and use the proper citation format.

Question 1 – Crime nexus

· How do the connections between drug trafficking and other crimes (including terrorism) increase the threat of drug trafficking to national security?

Question 2 –U.S. and international coordination

· Assess the ability of U.S. agencies and foreign partners to address coordinating counter-narcotics operations by comparing the counter-narcotics efforts and their impact of the United States and two different countries. (For instance, compare U.S.-Colombia efforts with U.S.-Bolivia efforts.)

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Crime Nexus and The U.S. And International Coordination
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Crime Nexus and The U.S. And International Coordination
Question 1 – Crime nexus
The nexus between drug trafficking and other crimes like terrorism increases drug trafficking's threat to the nation's security. The link broadens criminal enterprise networks as manifest in the Tri-Border area in South America. The connection between the crimes exacerbates national insecurity. Terrorism and drug trafficking connection enhances ease of funding for terrorism. The terrorist groups offer security for the drug traffickers and gain from the billions of dollars earned from the illicit black market. The connection between drug trafficking and other crimes increases the drug trafficking-related national insecurity.
The nexus between drug trafficking and terrorism creates a complex web and a symbiotic relationship between the two criminal enterprises. The drug traffickers benefit from the security that the terrorists guarantee them, and the latter benefit from the revenues from the drug trafficking and sales. The symbiotic relationship makes the crime nexus a challenge for any government to tackle besides cracking down on drug trafficking and terrorism. Afghanistan is a classic example of the nexus between drug trafficking and terrorism. The national security official established that stability in crime in Afghanistan was a reality. However, the warlords infiltrated the government; hence drug trafficking and terrorism were intertwined.
Afghanistan is the largest producer of opium globally because the warlords control the production of opium in the area. Opium fetches $2.5bilion for its growers, the equivalent to double the foreign aid that the country receives.. Finance is a factor of consideration in the nexus between terrorism and drug trafficking. The terrorist has infiltrated the growth and supply of drugs hence making the work of the drug traffickers easy. For instance, the fact that terrorists have staged security makes security forces unable to penetrate Kabul. The limitation reflects the threat that drug trafficking in connection with other crimes poses to national security. The ability of Afghanistan to produce 3400 tons of opium reflects the notoriety of organized crime, terrorism, and the drug trafficking connection. Opium is grown mainly in the Taliban and represents 86% of the world's opium production.. The Taliban is a terrorist group domiciled in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a dangerous state to visit because of drug traffickers, warlords, and terrorist groups' links. Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb has active involvement in the trafficking of cocaine worth $1.25 billion from West Africa to Europe.. Terrorism coupled with drug trafficking's effect on national security is manifest in Al-Shabaab's trafficking of cocaine through all the ports under its control to areas like Africa.[United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. “Terrorism and drug trafficking” (2021), n.p.] [United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. “Drug trafficking and the financing of terrorism” (2021), n.p.] [United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. “Terrorism and drug trafficking” (2021), n.p.]
The involvement of terrorist groups like Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaeda in the drug trade exacerbates the security situation in all the countries of the illicit trade. The revenues from such illicit trade, unfortunately, fuel and finance terrorist activities in the regions. For example, Boko Haram, an insurgent rebel group in West Africa, is trafficking cocaine and heroin.. The security situation in the West African counties is at stake. The crimes have been associated with Boko Haram in the recent past, like the abduction of school children. Rahman Mohammed, in 2006 planned to purchase rockets to attack the NATO airbase in Jalalabad using revenue from opium and heroin. The incident is a reflection of the risk of drug trafficking link with other crimes like terrorism. There is a link between terrorism, organized crime, and drug trafficking in the Tri-border area between Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina. The link between the three crimes has heightened the insecurity of the three countries living in the Tri-Border area for many years. Unfortunately, some law enforcement officers abate crime, making the nexus between rogue police officers and drug traffickers another national insecurity. Although the locals shield their kins citing government high-handedness, the link between drug trafficking and organized crime harms their locals' socio-economic lives.[United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. “Terrorism and drug trafficking” (2021), n.p.] [United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. “Terrorism and drug trafficking” (2021), n.p.] [The Library of Congress “Terrorist and organized crime groups in the tri-border area (TBA) of south America” (2003), n.p.]
In conclusion, the nexus between drug trafficking and other crimes like organized crime, terrorism, and insurgence, and rogue policing is a risk to national security. First, the connection between drug traffickers and terrorists creates a symbiotic relationship that broadens the web of crime, making it difficult for law enforcement to curtail the crimes. Second, drug trafficking is easily linked with terrorism and other crimes because of the proceeds of the illicit drug trade. Third, the connection between drug trafficking and other crimes threatens national security because criminals quickly access funds to carry out their illegal activities. By and large, the nexus between drug trafficking and other crimes poses more danger to nationals.
Question 2 - the U.S. and international coordination
The U.S. and foreign partners' counternarcotic measures have partially been successful in the past. The situation in Colombian and Bolivia has been different because of the differences in the two countries' political and economic intrigues. In the case of the U.S.'s counternarcotics measures in Colombia, the failure of the measures was orchestrated by the non-commitment of the Colombian government.. On the other hand, the U.S.'s counternarcotics measures in Bolivia were partially successful because of the drug traffickers' sophistication, which has enabled them to de...
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