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Foreign Intelligence Entity (FIE) Threat Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Foreign Intelligence Entity (FIE) Threat Analysis.

The CIA's Counterintelligence Center Analysis Group (CIC/AG) identifies, monitors, and analyzes the efforts of FIEs against US persons, activities, and interests. CIC/AG analysts focus on two specific types of counterintelligence threats to US national security: 1. Transnational threats, such as the counterintelligence aspect of terrorism or the threats posed by emerging or changing technologies to the US Government, intelligence operations, and US Government information systems; and 2. Threats posed by FIEs and their activities.

Topic: Develop a general threat analysis of a Foreign Intelligence Entity (FIE) of your choosing that is targeting the US. Examples include Russia's SVR, Iran's MOIS, Al Qaeda (or any of its 'subsidiaries'), North Korea's Reconnaissance Bureau, or Venezuela's Bolivarian National Intelligence Service, etc.

A FIE is any known or suspected foreign organization, person, or group (public, private, or governmental) that conducts intelligence activities to acquire U.S. information, block or impair U.S. intelligence collection, influence U.S. policy, or disrupt U.S. systems and programs. This term includes a foreign intelligence and security service [FISS] and international terrorist organizations. (JP 1-02; JP 2-01.2, CI & HUMINT in Joint Operations, 16 Mar 2011; and DoDD 5240.06, CIAR, 17 May 2011)

The components of your FIE threat analysis should include a full overview of the FIE (strength, location, organizational structures (if known), whether they operate under official cover or operate under unofficial cover--inside corporations, etc.). Detail the FIE's mission, and specific known and suspected US targets. [Do not select the People's Republic of China (PRC - Mainland or Communist China) as your FIE, since this is the focus of the Final Essay -- a paper on the PRC will not be accepted.]

Your FIE threat analysis should use the three general threat categories: low, medium, and high, to estimate the FIE's threat against the following types of US targets:

1) personnel, installations, and facilities

2) technology, defense industry, and communications

3) sensitive military and intelligence operations, such as intelligence collection, research & development, covert action, identifying US intelligence personnel, etc.

For each of these three areas, research open sources and include specific details of that research to justify your FIE threat assessment. Use events, dates, activities, names, places, etc., to back up your analysis and conclusions.

Paper requires a Title page, citations, and a bibliography, and should be in the Chicago format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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The United States appears to be the most vigilant nation globally. Most of its security policies aim to protect the institutions, American citizens, and any other affiliates to the superpower country. This explains the wide range of institutions that collectively represent the U.S. security intelligence community: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Bureau of Intelligence, the counterintelligence elements of the various institutions of governments, and the Intelligence elements of the Federal Burea of Investigation (FBI) to safeguard against domestic terrorists. Despite the robust and more sophisticated intelligence and counterterrorism community that the U.S. has put in place, the loopholes and deficiency in countering foreign and domestic terrorists are still evident, with the September 11 attack bearing witness. The successes of both foreign and domestic terrorists are solely due to the inability to gather reliable intel in advance to counter the terrorists. The CIA established the Directorate of Intelligence (DI) to help gather, organize, and analyze intelligence to aid in policy making and confronting the enemy. Underneath the CIA's DI is the Counterintelligence Center Analysis Group (CIC/AG) tasked with identifying and analyzing the Foreign Intelligence Entities (FIE).[Dale L. Watson, “The Terrorist Threat Confronting the United States,” FBI, accessed January 14, 2021, /news/testimony/the-terrorist-threat-confronting-the-united-states.] [CIA, “CIA Directorate of Intelligence,” March 5, 2014, /directorate-of-intelligence/.]
Any foreign organization, government, or individual that engages in spying and gathering intel on the U.S. to undermine their intelligence operation, influence policymaking, or disrupt the institutions' normal functioning is recognized as FIE. The U.S. is a country of many attributes, having a myriad of allies as well as enemies, and the intelligence community has had a long list of FIEs, including Russia's SVR, Iran's MOIS, Al Qaeda, North Korea's Reconnaissance Bureau, and Venezuela's Bolivarian National Intelligence Service. Over the recent past, the U.S. government has been up in arms against the North Korean government, under Kim Jong Un's leadership, with the numerous nuclear tests and the expedited munition development posing as a threat. This paper purposes of outlining the general threat posed by the FIE North Korea's Reconnaissance General Bureau.[CIA.]
Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB) Overview
Location and Organizational Structure
The Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB) is an intelligence outfit for the Republic of North Korea tasked with coordinating covert operations in foreign jurisdictions. RGB has its headquarters in Moonshine-dong, Pyongyang, and several bureau's departments are housed in the same area. The outfit is part of the numerous foot soldiers of the country's Ministry of Defense, popularly known as the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces. The outfit came into existence due to the merger between the Operations Department and Office 35 and the Reconnaissance Bureau of Korea's Peoples Arm in 2009. Besides collecting tactical and strategic intel information, RGB is also responsible for overseeing the intel gathering process and the deployment of unconventional warfare troops. North Korea's arms trading and corporation firm, Green Pine Associated Corporation, operates under the strict supervision of the RGB. Rim Kwang-il is the current director of RGB, appointed directly by the countries head of state.[Chongch’al Ch’ongguk, “Reconnaissance General Bureau - North Korean Intelligence Agencies,” accessed January 14, 2021, /intell/world/dprk/rb.htm.] [Jeongmin Kim, “North Korea Recently Appointed New Military Intelligence Chief, South Korea Says,” May 13, 2020, /2020/05/north-korea-recently-appointed-new-military-intelligence-chief-south-korea-says/.]
North Korea boasts of having one of the largest and sophisticated special operations forces in the world. RGB is at the helm of North Korea's special forces operations, equipping the outfit with one of the most well-trained and decorated personnel. Besides their lithal personnel, RGB constitutes a team of cyber intrusionists that are capable of launching cyberattacks of intense magnitude against their perceived enemies and allies of their enemies. Cyber attacks are also useful in ensuring that the heavily sanctioned nation obtains illicit cash from the dark web and facilitates cyber espionage to gather intel. The cyber threat is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the lithal outfit's strengths, and the nuclear and missile armory at the disposal of RGB poses an even more serious threat. The hostile regime of the dictator, Kim Jong Un, has weaponized the educational and research institutions, grooming experts from a young age in various professions to ensure the outfit is all rounded.[Mathew Ha and David Maxwel, “Kim Jong Un’s ‘All-Purpose Sword,’” FDD, October 3, 2018, /analysis/2018/10/03/kim-jong-uns-all-purpose-sword/.]
The primary mission of RGB is to conduct foreign intelligence gathering and covert operations in foreign jurisdictions, particularly the U.S., Japan, and their affiliates. Also, RGB is tasked with overseeing the country's special forces and the operations they carry out. Training and dispatch of the special forces to unconventional warfares is also the mandate of RGB. Reconnaissance units and light infantry snipers are other units that undertake special operations under the guidance of RGB in collaboration with the Light Infantry Training Guidance Bureau. Initiating and coordinating cyber warfare, arms trade, missile, and other munition development, are additional RGB responsibilities.[Ch’ongguk, “Reconnaissance Gene...
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