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Analyzing Interrogations in Guantanamo Bay

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the following

How effective do you believe the interrogations are that are conducted today in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and how could they be improved?

Consider the below articles to help in your response.

- Steven Kleinman points out how the CIA KUBARK manual recommends using analytic support to interrogations and how in prosecuting the war against Al Qaeda they need to do the same.

- Dr Randy Borum highlights that of all the studies of behaviors--which we use to train interrogators on identifying deception--very few of these studies utilized non-American or English subjects.

- The different types of mechanical detection of deception. Should they be tried on the Guantanamo detainees?

- Can lessons learned from law enforcement be applied?

- Is there a new technology that could be utilized, but there would have to be a new policy or law to allow its use?

Think about how you could improve the intelligence collection through interrogation, and make some recommendations.

Provide 5-pages of real writing (not counting your title page, quotes, and references)

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The Effectiveness of The Interrogations That are Conducted Today in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and How They Could Be Improved
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The Effectiveness of The Interrogations That are Conducted Today in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and How They Could Be Improved
Interrogations at Guantanamo bay encompassed the use of enhanced interrogation techniques, including waterboarding, shackling, chaining, bundling of the terror suspects in boxes with insects, and six-day sleep deprivation. Additionally, interrogation encompassed forcing suspects to stand for 48 hours, shackling from the ceiling while naked, and subjecting the suspects to freezing water baths. Therefore, the interrogation could not yield results because, at best, the suspects could lie due to the torture coined as a set of techniques. However, the interrogations served as deterrence and served as a model for compelling terror suspects to give information. Moreover, the adoption of harsh interrogations by Ethiopia Kality prison and Britain's Belmarsh detention center underscore the effectiveness of the interrogations. Therefore, the Guantanamo Bay interrogations are not effective and should be improved to yield results.[Walker, Mary, A. “Interrogating the Interrogator at Guantánamo Bay” 2020, n.p.] [Walker, Mary, A. “Interrogating the Interrogator at Guantánamo Bay” 2020, n.p.] [Borum, Randy. “The Psychology of Terrorism” 2003: 107.] [Zimeta, MG., Why Guantánamo was a success: The Guantánamo Bay detention centre has been widely denounced as a legal and moral failure. Yet for those who created it, its legacy is a triumph, Prospect, 2009, n.p.]
The investigation of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence established that the interrogation was indeed not successful. Even after subjecting the prisoners to inhumane conditions in the name of interrogation, the information obtained was not unique from the information already known on the terror incidents. Even the Central Intelligence Agency admitted that the interrogations did not yield the required information; hence the exercise was essentially a zero-sum game. The conclusion has ramifications on the reputation of the U.S. The victims of the cruel enhanced interrogation techniques could have been set free long ago. In this case, the wrongly tortured prisoners require compensation for such torture and the period they have spent in the Guantanamo Bay prison. The fact that the Central Intelligence Agency's claim of success in obtaining information from the detainees after subjecting them to cruelty could not be affirmed by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence implies that the interrogations were largely unsuccessful.[Walker, Mary, A. “Interrogating the Interrogator at Guantánamo Bay” 2020, n.p.] [BBC. “Architect of CIA's 'enhanced interrogation' testifies at Guantánamo tribunal”, BBC News, 2020, n .p.]
The interrogations negatively impacted the reputation of the United States. The U.S.'s commitment to global peace and development could no longer be trusted. Additionally, the families of the detainees in Guantanamo Bay suffered, and the court proceedings on the case of terror against the victims exposed the cruelty of the enhanced interrogation techniques used (Fig.1). The Geneva Convention in human rights does not allow torture as part of interrogation. For this reason, the U.S. acted with impunity in the name of safeguarding its national from subsequent terror attacks. The case of Guantanamo interrogations is a manifestation of the U.S.'s undoing in the fight against terrorism. The interrogations' failure to obtain the necessary information to deter terrorism in the world makes the cost incurred in carrying out that the interrogations were a wastage of resources and a bad legacy for the Bush administration.[BBC. “Architect of CIA's 'enhanced interrogation' testifies at Guantánamo tribunal”, BBC News, 2020, n.p.]
Additionally, the interrogations are a failure because terrorism has still gained traction in different parts of the world like France and Britain. Therefore, the interrogations have not stopped terrorism but aggravated terrorism in the world. The tortures have made the world change its perspective about the United States. The latter is viewed as a global bully rather than a peacemaker, and the Arab countries are responding inking to their nationals' torture at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
The use of the enhanced interrogation techniques traumatizes the detainees and hastens their death. For this reason, the detainees are not likely to provide any information because they are ready for death anytime. Therefore, the premium of providing information for them is lost. Furthermore, expert interrogators and intelligence experts consider emotional, physical, and social torture ineffective because it focuses on making the detainees talk rather than giving the intelligence agency credible and helpful information. Consequently, the purpose of such interrogation is defeated. Similarly, neurological scientists posit that enhanced interrogation techniques that primarily entail torture are ineffective in obtaining intelligence from the detainees. This is because the enhanced interrogation techniques compromise the detainees' memory, mood, and cognitive function. Nevertheless, such components are necessary for the detainees to provide accurate, precise, and credible information to the agency.
However, the Guantanamo Bay interrogations have been effective in other dimensions. For instance, the interrogations have helped remove the tag of the world's jailer. Other nations like Britain and Ethiopia have adopted similar enhanced interrogation strategies in interrogating hardcore criminals. Ethiopia's Kality prison adopted the enhanced interrogation techniques, which is indicative of techniques efficacy in Ethiopia's assessment of the situation in Gu...
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