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Recording Studio Blues

Essay Instructions:

Watch the video Recording Studio Blues Dominique Douala is the defendant vs Willy Ferucci is the plaintiff they had a verbal agreement on studio time. This exercise demonstrates the important role that a jury plays. Jurors typically resolve question of fact, and then are instructed in law to apply to the facts(i.e.what is legally required for offer and acceptance, or mutual assent to be bound in contract) Jurors decide questions of fact, that is what really happened, who do you believe and why. Then they are instructed in the law to reach a verdict. For your discussion watch video and decide on your verdict, ensuring that the facts you decided are consistent with the law you applied to reach your verdict. Do you believe Mr. Dualla heard the message? If you believe he heard the message, why? What is your reasoning? If you believe he did not hear the message why? What is your reasoning? That is factual inquiry. Now let's apply the law. Given your decision as to the facts( that is either heard it or he didn't whatever you decided) apply the requirement for offer and acceptance, i.e. the mainifestation of mutual assent. These are the requirement for the mainifestation of mutual Offer& Acceptance: Offer : Expression of intent to be bound( objective commitment) Reasonable degree of certainty and definiteness in terms. Authorized communication from offeror to offeree. Acceptance: Matter of intent to exercise power of acceptance( thru act or promise) Was there offer and acceptance? Why or why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

While most verbal agreements are valid and legally binding, some can be difficult to enforce. In determining whether an oral contract is enforceable, one must determine whether the agreement has certain key elements of a contract such as offer, acceptance, and consideration. In the case at hand, Willy Ferucci, the plaintiff, has sued Dominique Douala, the defendant seeking a compensation of $700 in relation to the verbal agreement the two had. The two had agreed that the defendant would use the plaintiff’s studio to record his album. Apparently, the defendant was expected to pay some amount for the studio sessions that he would take during the recording. However, when he failed to pay any amount, thee plaintiff brought the matter to court asking the court to enforce the contract and force the defendant to pay the damages.[Helewitz, Jeffrey A. 2010. Basic contract law for paralegals. Austin:Texa: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.]
The primary issue in this case is whether the plaintiff can be allowed to get damages from the defendant in relation to a violation of the verbal agreement the two had.
Legally, the contractual agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant is difficult to enforce. This is because it lacks clarity sine there were not specified terms and consideration. The plaintiff did not point out a specific amount of money that the defendant would have to pay for using the studio. Therefore, it was difficult for the defendant to determine how much he was to pay for the studio sessions. Had there been a w...
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