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Songs Carrying Themes and Styles Reminiscent of the Crusades

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment I want you to think about how you view the Crusades now that you have gone through the course. Then, I want you to make a "Crusades Playlist" - choose three songs that match your perception of the Crusades. The songs don't have to be about the crusades specifically, of course, but maybe their lyrics nonetheless remind of you of the material in this course. Or maybe the musical style, or the way the song sounds evokes the Crusades for you. List the songs, and in a paragraph or two for each tell me what it is *specifically* about them that connects them to the Crusades.

Three songs are the sources that are needed. Any Songs of your choice. The songs are the sources The format should be

"song title"


"song title"


"song title"


Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Crusades were a series of religiously driven military battles between Christians and Muslims throughout the Middle Ages. They were founded largely to secure religious locations that both tribes regarded as sacrosanct. The deadly, violent, and sometimes relentless struggles elevated European Christians' stature, making them significant in the Middle East's land wars. Other Crusades were waged against Muslims in other parts of the world and pagans and fellow Believers in Europe who were considered heretics by the Catholic Church. Following the Pope's declaration of the First Crusade, the European Crusader States and military orders conquered substantial parts of the Holy Land. The truth was that, just as those who called the crusades were able to reconcile Christ's peaceful teachings with the idea of waging holy wars, they were equally at ease with the proposition of crusaders fighting as repentant pilgrims while still hoping to return home with their pockets full. The following songs carry themes and styles that are reminiscent of the crusades and the issues at hand during the period.
It Means Nothing- Stereophonics
The song is an illuminative experience showcasing religion and politics' perils brought into the world. It portrays a world after a terrorist attack where the persona engages himself in a series of questions. From the lyrics in the first stanza, the persona seems to be talking about their relationship with family and whether there was a future for the world. It seems that war and violence are critical issues in the song, and more so, it leads to the separation of families. The persona argues that their time in the world abruptly ended without completing their mission, plans or possible objectives. Additionally, the song expresses the absurdity that is religious-based violence. It reminds me of the crusades where the Pope set out on a war to kill people, enslave others and force entire civilizations to adhere to a new, strange faith.[Stereophonics, It Means Nothing, Pull the Pin, 2005]
The crusades were in all aspects unholy since it was imprudent to fight people for their beliefs, religion and values. The song contends, “You can find yourself a god, believe in which one you want, 'cause they love you all the same, they just go by different names, when they fly your flag today, are you proud or just ashamed.” It seems that the song was critiquing the main idea behind the crusades, fighting people for their beliefs. The stanza argues that though pe...
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