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Relationship Among Gender, War, and Crimes Against Humanity

Essay Instructions:

A comparative review of the two articles with a historical perspective.

Discuss the relationship between gender, war, and 'crimes agasinst humanity'.

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Hello, I have upload several files but acutally only two articles. Read them carefully and make some clear statments base on article. Please DO NOT make a sweeping statement or generalization. Thanks!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparative Review
Comparative Review
Gender refers to an individual's identification based on their sexual orientation. A person can be transgender, male or female. War refers to the violence subjected to people of different genders. Crime activities against humanity violate human rights, such as genocides, human trafficking, and rape. When criminal activities are committed against a specific gender, they are associated with the same gender. For instance, raping women would be considered a gender-based crime. Both articles outline gender-based crime activities and the efforts that have been implemented to solve such crimes. Andreas's article focuses on how women were raped during the war to enhance soldier's morale. According to the article, rape was justified many centuries ago because it aimed to help soldiers relax, thus enhancing their performance during the war. The article also outlines how society's viewpoints against rape changed over the years. Andera outlines how various tribunals were formed to help solve the crime activities against humanity. The most recent tribunal is the International criminal court (ICC). Hirofumi's article discusses comfort houses in Southeast Asia the methods used to recruit comfort women. The method that presents crime against humanity is human trafficking and fraud. This means the women were subjected to prostitution against their will, which is an act of rape.
Hirofumi's article outlines the concept of comfort women in Southeast Asia. The system was developed to help veterans deal with the aftermath of war. Some foreign ministry officials disagreed with introducing comfort women in Southeast Asia and claimed that the Japanese prostitutes should be sent back to their country. This would be a humane act and would not result in gender-based crimes. However, the comfort system is a perfect example of gender-based crimes because some women would be forced to join the system for survival. The comfort system was designed to serve the Japanese military to motivate them to succeed in war. The system presented exploitation of women by the state. Given that the state-supported the crime, the women couldn't get justice for the crime committed. A similar case is presented in Andreas's article where rape was justified. The justifiers pointed out that the acts of rape were inevitable because they needed motivation after the war. The best way they could get such motivation is by raping women. This is an indication of the inhuman activities that resulted from the war. Most of the rape cases were reported during the war and were considered an act of enhancing the military's morale. Centuries later, rape was termed as a crime against family honor. Later, it was considered a crime against a woman's dignity rather than a crime against her family. Such beliefs helped reduce the number of rape cases ad various tribunals were developed to prosecute the offenders.
Both articles present gender-based crimes as actions that have not received much attention in society. In most cases, solving such cases is surrounded by many obstacles. For instance, those handling the case might not believe the victims because society has created a scenario where women do not receive much respect. The formation of the ICC, as outlined by Andrea, was aimed at solving international crimes. However, the jurisdiction of prosecuting criminals varies from one nation to another. Such has presented as an obstacle to the ICC because it cannot violate non-member countries' jurisdiction. ...
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