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Philosophy Assignment Paper (Pick Confucianism)

Essay Instructions:

Confucianism, Taoism, etc.
-Pick Confucianism to write please.
-Do not use hard wards. (English as second language for my client)
-There is an electronic book about this area, very short, can be use as "class material".
-4 Sources, 1 from "class material" 3 from outside sources (printed, peer-reviewed sources)
I'll upload the "class material" once I receive.

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In China, Confucianism has played a major role in both spiritual and political life. Confucianism can be described as an approach towards life which was taught by Master Kong who was later given the name Confucius. He was a great Chinese philosopher. In the Chinese mythology, it was believed that Heaven would single out a person and his clan to rule who in this case was Confucious. Confucianism later became the code of ethics endorsed as the official religion in most of the great empires of China. Confucius was born in 551 BCE in the feudal state of Lu which is today referred to as Shantung Province. Confucius regarded his philosophy as a way towards a civil society. He withdrew his attention from the authorities who were ruling and the beliefs about life after death, instead he looked at the usefulness of daily life and intercommunications of human beings. Confucius philosophy explained that capability of effort put by humans can be used to build his own destiny. According to Confucius, human beings can be taught, improved and perfected via individual and communal effort. This paper gives an overview of Confucianism philosophy and how it fits in my life.[Lin Hang, Traditional Confucianism and its Contemporary Relevance, Asian Philosophy, 21 no.4 (2011): 437] [Michael Puett and Christine Gross-Loh, The Path: What Chinese Philosophers Can Teach Us About the Good Life Companion Reading: Confucius, Mencius, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Xunzi: Selected Passages from the Chinese Philosophers in The Path, New York: Simon Schutzer. (2016): 24]
This belief of Confucianism has expanded beyond China to other countries such as Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Confucianism is established on kindness, united respect and recognition of the character values. When people learn how to interact positively with one another, they facilitate the society to grow. Today Confucianism beliefs are still being put into practices in China, where it involves the virtues of harmony, obeying one parent and the authority in place. The people are trained and forced to behave in an appropriate way through a process described in a section of the Classic of Ritual.[Charles, Riarick, Confucious on Management: Understanding Chinese Cultural Values and Managerial Practices. Journal of Internal Management Studies. August (2007): 25]
According to Confucian philosophy, it is only after investigation knowledge can be expanded which may lead to sincerity as well as correction of thoughts.The thoughts build a character of a person upon which our families and state can be well led and steered towards attainment of peace.[Robert, Lawson, Jean Graham & Kristin Baker. History of Philosophy: Globalization, Ideas, and Applications. New York, NY: Routledge. 2016. 420]
How Confucianism fits in today’s life
Today, the Confucius major principles can be of great impact in our day to day life where we need coordination in order to be able to attend to certain activities; actual companies are spending a lot of investment in order to achieve a peaceful working environment that can aim towards achieving great returns. Therefore, this can be achieved by following Confucius philosophy that humanism which believes in the capability of humans being as teachable, self-improving and their ability to perfect themselves. By using this tactic we can be able to be more productive in our acti...
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