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Movies and their Cultural, Social, & Political Implications:Blue Kite

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The film industry has impacted the society in many ways. The political satire and the ironical representation of cultures have led to conflict however with certain realms and groups of people. It is, however, a very important aspect of the society that the film industry has led to the enlightenment of the nation on critical matters that have affected the community represented. As a form of entertainment, the film industry has played a role in ensuring that the people in the community are entertained, and the entertainers receive a livelihood. The contribution of the film industry, in this case, cannot be underestimated.
In some cases, however, the film industry has conflicted with the various people and groups in the community they exist. The conflict is as a result, as mentioned of the part the movies represented. different implications of the societies culture and political representation. The film industry has been known to expose different hidden stories on the political state of the community. Proving this has led to the film industry getting into conflict with the government and other powers on the community. Religious groups have been known to conflict with the film industry, and so has the government in different cases. A recent case of the battle between a film industry and the government is the movie “the interview” which was released by Sony. The movie faced a lot of opposition from the South Korean government, and major adversities were experienced by the film company before releasing the video. The reason as to why this resulted was the exposure of the tyranny of the leader in the country.[Story, A. Chinese Ghost, and Final Victory. "7.16 CHINESE CINEMA: FIFTH AND SIXTH GENERATION." Introduction to Film (2016): 303.]
The power of the film industry in educating the community cannot, however, be underestimated. The movies acted in the community have an essential part in the society and the life of the people it represents.
Summary of film
The movie revolves around the life of a young boy known as Tietou. It describes the simplicity of the village they used to live in. The movie is simply based on the village and the village people. A small community that everyone knows the other about it. The movie based on the young boy’s life of constant playmates, a librarian father and a teacher as a mother. The life of the boy is on a constant visit of the uncles and his girlfriend and is, therefore, simpler in the idea of a universal village life as a boy. Changes, however, start occurring when the loudspeaker announces a death of an unknown member of the country to the village, Stalin. This death is part of the greater changes in the community and affects the entire lives of the people in the village and the community. There is a significant change in the following 25 years implied with this death.[Zhang, Yingjin. Cinema, space, and polylocality in a globalizing China. University of Hawaii Press, 2010.]
In this era of the movie which was acted in 1993, the Chinese region is still under capitalism. However, changes are imminent, in the wind coming to take place. People start experiencing these changes based on the rise of the fact that the land and the courtyard in the different neighborhood are realized dot be owners by the state.
Shalong is a known librarian in the movie and the father of Tietou. However, the father has failed to settle some issue on a quota in the running of the library. In a meeting that the father is invited to a meeting part of the Rectification Movement. His father because of the changes taking place in the region is taken away, and Tietou does not see him again. The father goes away without fulfilling his promise to the son about retrieving his blue kite form the trees where it is stuck. This becomes the title of the film and story told.
Summary of scenes in movie
Different stages have different themes that are being represented in the film. Starting with the marriage to the meeting where the father is taken away from his son and family. Each of these scenes plays a vital role in the definition of the themes and the main story in the movie. This part of the paper will discuss two important scenes in the movie that define the next stage and the themes in the movie. One of the scenes is the announcement by chairman Mao of collectiveness in the community of the peasant pieces of land. The next famous scene, in this case, is the meeting where the honesty of a friend results in the taking away into the labor camps and later result in his death. These scenes have an impact on the general conceptualization and understanding of the movie.
In the previous scene, the community Is at peace, and the people are coexisting in peace. However, the chairman announces the consolidation of the peasant farmers pieces of land, and this changes the life of the people. One of the implications of this act is that the farms will be reduced, and the people will have to use the lands communal and not personal as was initially. Taking the farms form the poor does not help in protecting or improving the situation of the people but only increases the chances of the people suffering.
In this scene, the introduction of the pain in the community is perceived and understood by the viewer. The basic presentation of the government interference with the people’s life is evident in the initial announcement. With the government interfering with the people lands, it is simply playing a role in making the people more prone to the suffering that they initially had but with more defined and discernible ends in the process.
The second scene as seen in the simple decision of the father to Tietou of disrespecting the chairperson Mao. In this decisions that he makes conclusions are made to take him to the labor camps since it is thought that he is part of the wrongdoers. The quota is used against him and the confession of his best friend. The idea is that the father, in this case, is not a wrongdoer but one of the most faithful and respectful citizens in the country. His ideology and principles are a guiding block to many including his son. However, in this simple step of visiting the washroom at the exact point results in him ending up in a labor camp without merely a good bye to his son and wife.[Zhang, Xudong. "National trauma, global allegory: reconstruction of collective memory in Tian Zhuangzhuang's The Blue Kite." Journal of Contemporary China 12, no. 37 (2003): 623-638.]
This scene provides the viewer with a clear picture of how the government is punishing those it perceives to have disobeyed the policies set. It relates merely to the tyrant or the dictatorship aspect of the state in this country at the time. The simple act of not being present in the discussion results in the father being sold out. The scene also makes a critically painful moment since it is the last time that Tietou sees his father and the previous time his librarian duty is played. He ends up dying in one of the labor camps without fetching the blue kite for his son as he had promised.[Wang, Ban. "Trauma and History in Chinese Film: Reading" The Blue Kite" against Melodrama." Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 11, no. 1 (1999): 125-155.]
Cultural implications
The use of the child’s eye in the movie is one of essential features in this film. The cultural consequence of this is that since the child does not necessarily see many in the community and their deduction can be limited showing the gravity of the matter is confirmed by a child ensures that the viewer can understand how much the pain and the suffering are in the society represented. This is a cultural implication. In the first scene, for instance, the peace is disrupted in the community by the announcement by the chairman. The people are enjoying their life as they are used to.
The families exist in the movie to represent the basic cultural unit organization in the city. However, with the announcement of the consolidation of the peasant farms, something changes, the life of the community is disrupted. The independence of the people and their activities are affected to the point that the peasants are in the process of losing their land and their livelihood. Consolidating the lands and giving them under the ownership of the state is the first sing of the disruption of the community. This comes at a time when the people are unaware of the government and how the different representatives of this parties are and what their objectives in that society are.
The formation of the family in the initial stage is a representation of the peace the people in the community were experiencing. This gives the viewer a sense of hope in the field. The people are expected to coexist with minimal interferences for the other parties in the country or even form the government. Love is seen...
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