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Linda and The Antebellum South

Essay Instructions:

What were the most significant challenges Linda faced as an enslaved women in the antebellum south? What strategies did she use to try to overcome them? In what ways did her gender shape some of the challenges she faced?

Writing the Paper Content:
You should base your argument on Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. You may also draws on the documents in Chapter 11 in Voices of Freedom, relevant sections of Give Me Liberty!, or lecture. If you do not draw most of your examples from Incidents, you will not get a very good grade. In any case, you should not do outside research—you should only cite material from the course. If you do any outside research, you will automatically fail—no exceptions.

Your paper should be six pages, double spaced. This is a maximum, not a minimum.

This is an academic, analytical essay. See the first paper topic for more about this. You can also refer to the style rubric that I circulated. We will also use that when we are grading your paper.

Plagiarism and Other Academic Integrity and Misconduct:
See the first paper topic for more on this.

Citation style: I have also covered some relevant sections of the Chicago Manual of Style in the Writing Guide to help you cite items correctly.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Linda and The Antebellum South
In the antebellum American society, gender roles seemed to be so defined. This is especially so for women, who seemed to have their responsibilities cut out. They were expected to stay within their household setups, talk less, carry out their household chores, keep their domestic matters within, and try their best to ensure they were not taken as a problem in the larger society. It seemed like women were not really expected to take their spheres of influence outside the simple enclosure of their homesteads. Anything that involved public engagement seemed to be a sphere that was entirely cut out for men, and therefore, women were not welcomed. There was, however, some difference based on whether it was in the North or the South. In the book Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs, the experiences of Linda illustrate the experiences of women in the Antebellum South.
The Antebellum America
This was a time when there was too much oppression for people of color, specifically blacks. It was high season for slavery, especially in the South. Blacks were owned as property by their white masters. They worked mostly in the large plantations. Agriculture was the backbone of the South, and therefore, slave labor was quite important there. Black women bore the brunt of it all. As noted in the book Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs, while slavery was bad for men, it was worse for women. They were expected to be quiet, obedient, and submissive to all the demands of their white masters. Some of these demands were indeed sexual and, therefore, not quite welcomed. The North was relatively a safer haven for fleeing slaves compared to the South. Getting there, however, wasn’t as easy. Linda is a woman caught in between the brutal and exploitative stranglehold of slavery; and the fleeting tenets of feminism and womanhood.[History 17A. Antebellum Slavery.] [History 17A. Antebellum Slavery (end);Trail of Tears.] [History 17A. The Jeffersonian Vision.]
What were the most significant challenges Linda faced as an enslaved woman in the antebellum South?
She is faced with a relationship challenge. Having lost her parents, she also loses her owner, Margaret Horniblow. As was the slave culture in the South, slave owners were allowed to inherit or acquire other slaves in case their owners were incapacitated in one way or another. Linda, therefore, found herself being owned by James Norcom, a white, middle-aged man. She was still a teenage girl at the time and wanted to explore love and relationships. She, therefore, found herself in love with a certain black carpenter. James, however, is mean and jealous since he is interested in Linda as well. He, therefore, makes life difficult for her, frustrating and threatening her with isolation. In so doing, she is denied her basic rights to freedom and even association.[Harriet A Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, ed. Nell Irvin Painter (New York: Penguin Books, 2000).]
Secondly, she is faced with the challenge of sexual victimization and sexual abuse. Lind faces extremely incessant and aggressive sexual advances from James. She goes through a lot just trying to resist these advances. She bears the brunt of it all and explains it quite vividly. In antebellum America, sexual abuse and victimization of black women by white men wasn’t quite new. It was a vice that went on but kept being swept under the rag since the whites were the perpetrators, the judge, and the jury all at the same time. Such a thing being talked about was, therefore, quite rare. Even Sawyer, with whom she later has two children, seemingly took advantage of her situation.[Harriet A Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, ed. Nell Irvin Painter (New York: Penguin Books, 2000).]
Third, as an enslaved woman, she faces the challenge of family and motherhood. She had to go into hiding for almost seven years, a period in which she never saw her kids. She has also not seen her grandmother during that span as well. This really put an emotional strain on her as a mother since she subscribed to the importance of family. She wanted to belong and wanted her children to also have a sense of belonging. She felt powerless when she couldn’t free her daughter from slavery, too, since she was still viewed as a slave in the South.[History 17A. Trail of Tears.]
Fourth, Linda is dealing with the anguish that comes with the societal depiction and expectations of a woman. She has grown up with certain notions about purity and virginity that she believes in. She is, therefore, in anguish about how femininity can still be upheld and to s...
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