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Joint Task Force Missions and Commands

Essay Instructions:

FINAL EXAM ASSIGNMENT: Complete all tasks. Submit all answers in a single MSWord Document.

1. (40% of grade) Complete the JTF chart and answer the following question in essay format. (Limit your essay answer to 600 words, +/- 10%)
a. Complete the attached JTF-APOLLO Organization Chart. Based upon current doctrine, your assessment of the mission, currently available forces and the commander’s guidance, use the symbols provided to create an appropriate organizational chart for the JTF. Include the right mix of service and functional component commands with their supporting service forces, and other appropriate agencies/individuals. The chart must include appropriate command relationship lines. Paste the JTF-APOLLO Organization Chart you created into a MSWord document and complete part b below.
b. Based upon current doctrine, the scenario, and forces currently available, explain the command and control organization of the JTF. At a minimum, your discussion should include the command structure, component commands (service and functional components, civil-military, SOF, other), command relationships, and dual-hatting (if any). Be sure to provide complete rationale for each of these decisions. This essay should reflect the information provided in your JTF-APOLLO organization chart.

2. (60% of grade) Below your chart and essay from part 1, answer the following questions in a single essay. (Limit your essay answer to 1200 words, +/- 10%)
Based upon the scenario and available forces, as well as the anticipated objectives, complete the following:
a. Assess the capabilities and limitations of the available service forces in relation to the objectives. Keep in mind these forces were not optimized for the mission; they represent what is available and in the AOR.
b. Describe what additional forces could be requested to conduct operations to successfully (or more successfully) complete the anticipated objectives. Explain your reasoning. Be sure to address interdependencies among available and requested forces.
c. Pick one of the combatant commands listed below and explain how that command could support or enable the JTF and its objectives. (USSOCOM/ USCYBERCOM/USTRANSCOM/ USSTRATCOM/ USSPACECOM)

1. Group_3_WK6- Professor said this living document should help with gathering information for the essay and putting together the JTF Chart.
2. JP OLMP 2021 Final- This provides all the information for the final.
3. JP_Final_JTF_APOLLO- This is the JTF Chart that will need to filled out and copied over into part 1 of the essay.

Please add a good amount of in-text citations within the essays.

If you need additional resources, please let me know and I can pull information for my coursework.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Joint Task Force Missions and Commands
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Joint Task Force Missions and Commands
1 a. JTF chart
B. Command and Control Organization of the JTF
In command and control (C2), the joint commanders would respond to threats posed by Saturn, where there are combined forces of the US and Neptune organized into a joint task force. The Joint Task Force (JTF) is designed to deploy and support Neptune’s forces, and Neptune is a US ally. The Geographic Combatant Command (GCC) is at the head, and there are the army, air force, navy, and marine components, and they are part of the GCC service components plus the SOF and JTF. The JTF considers the combatant command where there is coordination and cooperation of some military activities, especially on land and sharing information. The combatant commander is responsible for the management, prioritization, tasks, and operations of subordinate commanders (commanders) operating in the joint operational area. Commanders with operational control support contingency planning and special operations planning, including neutralizing threats (Killblane, 2019).
In the standardized military decision-making process, there is evaluation of planning by prioritizing the mission, current situation-based preparation, and intelligence preparation considering the threat posed and the priorities. However, there is no course of action (COA), but there is an emphasis on the priorities for protection against attacks by Saturn. Still, it is necessary to prioritize how different service components will influence logistics and operational planning (Harned, 2016).
ARFOR (Army Forces), AFFOR (Air Force Forces), NAVFOR (Navy Forces), and MARFOR (Marine Corps Forces) are the service components under a commander who organizes various services. ARFOR, AFFOR, NAVFOR, and MARFOR are the JTF service component command JTF service components command that is below the GCC. The ARFOR is responsible for planning, management, coordination, and integration of air defense forces and means of functional components of the Armed Forces at the operations level. Training staff who are part of the service components allows them to form and operate as part of the JTF. The combined joint task force would be maritime operations to open up Neptune’s largest port, Caballos, and prevent traffic congestion. Neptune lacks significant amphibious transport or assault capability, and even as coalition partners of naval forces, the US would provide more maritime resources to neutralize Saturn’s threats.
The Joint Force Land Component Commander (JFLCC), Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC), and Joint Force Maritime Component Command (JFMCC) are functional component commanders. The functional components are essential in command, control, and operations planning.
One of the objectives is to “establish appropriate command and control entities and relationships to facilitate civil-military operations at the JTF level.” As part of civil-military operations, expert support and plan to coordinate activities are provided. Mutual partnership and coordination will enhance civil-military operations and make it easier to monitor local responses. The army, air force, navy, and marine forces will also support the civil authorities’ mission depending on where the forces respond. The forces complement civil capabilities and augment capacities when needed.
Neptune lacks Special Operations Forces (SOF), but the US has SOF capabilities. Special Operations Command provides SOF and supports the Global Combatant Command operations that are networked and distributed (Ruf et al., 2021). Effective command and control of a large and diverse task are necessary for the JTF to function effectively. Still, the elite and highly-trained military SOF operate more autonomously than the JTF. Moreover, joint special operations command is required to coordinate operations where units are combined from the special operations components (Killblane, 2019). The SOF is capable of operations critical, specialized, and specific capabilities. Tactical training makes the Special Forces well placed for mission-specific operations such as the threat posed by Saturn.
Part 2
Capabilities and limitations
Establishing the JTF command and authority will be essential to coordinating operations and working closely together between Neptune and US forces. As part of the JTF command and control operations, there are joint operations to facilitate relations and strengthen civil-military operations. Improving firepower, the number of forces, range adequate communication capabilities, and logistics will facilitate successful operations to attack Neptune’s adversary and protect Neptune’s security.
Planning, managing, coordinating, and integrating defense forces and functional components are necessary to deploy operational ready service members. The communication flow of source intelligence is essential to support operations, but Neptune lacked the intelligence capability to evaluate the risk of Saturn’s attacks. Communication is part of operation command capabilities, and Neptune lacks intelligence on the Sons of the Trident (SOTT) dissident, while intelligence and sharing information would support preparation.
Assessment of the capabilities of the forces, defense, and possible options for enhancing operations would support improved efficiency in operations. Winters (2017) pointed out that improved integration of the component command within the JTF would facilitate better response when there is improved operation coordination. Still, the lack of rapid-reaction capabilities is apparent in the way Neptune was unable to protect maritime operations from Saturn’s attack. Thus, the lack of mission readiness among Neptune’s forces is a concern as it affects their ability to defend themselves in the long term without US help.
The US special operations forces (SOF) consists of one US Army Special Forces (SF) Operational Detachment – B (ODB) Company and two USAF MC-130J. The SOF will improve capabilities and support efforts to incorporate SOF operations within the JTF. Furthermore, the US navy has amphibious capabilities, and this will add firepower to Neptune in the joint operations. The US marine also ...
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