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Is British Social History Since 1945 a History of Progress?

Essay Instructions:

Using your knowledge of various aspects of contemporary British social history and political ideology we have seen in the course or through resources on Célène, discuss the following essay topic:

"Is British social history since 1945 a history of progress?"

Please focus on aspects we will have discussed as part of this course, see lecture and booklet (for ex. gender equality is not part of the course in the first term, although it may be mentioned briefly).

Do feel free to refer explicitly to some of the documents in the booklet to illustrate your point.

*** MAJOR references to be used (explicitly and systematically): the books by Selina Todd (the people :the rise and fall of the working class 1910-2010) and/or Pat Thane (A history of britain,1900 to present)see bibliography — they are at the library), possibly Clémence Fourton (but in English!), the booklets (documents).

If the choice of references is not respected (as should be visible from the footnotes), or if your references are incomplete, your essay will not be corrected and your mark will be 0/20.

Please also include your Declaration of Authorship (see file below).

5 to 6 pages MAX (ie. between 2000 and 2800 words maximum, notes included), Times New Roman size 12, 1.5 spacing, margins: 3 cm left, 2.5cm right, 2.5 cm top and 2.5 cm bottom. No bibliography necessary, as footnotes will suffice.

NOTE ON LENGTH: the shorter the better, PLEASE do not write for the sake of filling the pages...

The margins should be justified.

Use Chicago Manual of Style Quick Guide for all referencing (including examples from the set of documents) in footnotes.

By exception, referencing for course elements (ie. lecture notes) should indicate the name of the author, as well as the title and date of the course. You may quote from the pdf documents that sum up the main aspects of the lecture (and reference them, indicating the name of the author (me!), the title of the course chapter, the page number).

To avoid plagiarism (which will lead to either a 0/20 or the disciplinary council depending on the extent), see file "Plagiarism: what is it and how can you avoid it?".

Essay to be uploaded onto the Célène platform AND to be handed in to your TD teacher (either Agathe Ferreira or Karin Fischer) - see below - by 16 December 2022 (by 12am at the latest please for the paper version, in your lecturer's locker).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Is British Social History since 1945 a History of Progress?
Since 1945, Britain has undergone significant social and economic changes, many of which can be considered positive developments. For example, advances in technology and medicine have led to healthcare improvements and increased equipment longevity. The post-war period has also seen significant advances in social equality, with the passage of important legislation like the Race Relations Policy of 1965, followed by the Equal Pay Law of 1970. However, there is evidence of significant challenges and setbacks in British society since 1945. One major challenge has been the decline of traditional industries, such as manufacturing and mining, contributing to economic inequality and social marginalization in some areas of Britain. Another significant issue has been the rise of political and social divisions, such as the Brexit vote in 2016 and the ongoing debates over issues such as immigration and national identity. Whether or not British social history since 1945 can be considered a history of progress depends on an individual's perspective and priorities. Some may emphasize the positive developments and see the post-war period as a time of progress, while others may focus on the challenges and setbacks and see the period as one of decline.
One of Britain's significant positive political developments is issuing women voting and leadership rights equal to their spouses. The thought of women being political entities having the freedom right to have a say, besides the freedom to elect leaders of their choice, was unthinkable in early Britain under Queen Victoria when a woman's responsibility had been fundamentally aimed at bringing up children and looking after of their homes. Nonetheless, the consequences of the British industrial innovation, which impacted the Great Reform Act in 1832, gave women a new responsibility as they dived into an environment with more civic spaces, besides significant technological and economic advances at their workstations. This paper provides evidence on why British social history since 1945 is a history of progress.[John Harrison, Late Victorian Britain 1875-1901. Routledge, 2013.]
The Welfare State System. When the Second World War ended, the newly elected Labour administration established the Welfare State. This system applied suggestions from the outgoing civil worker Sir William Beveridge, and the former was intended to eliminate poverty and societal hardships. Implementing a comprehensive welfare state in Britain following the post-war period was a significant development that significantly improved the quality of life for many people in the country. A welfare state is a type of government in which the state provides for the basic needs of its citizens, such as healthcare, education, and social security. Some key features characterizing the British welfare system include the National Health Service (NHS) and the education system. On the one hand, the NHS provides universal healthcare to all the country's residents. On the other hand, the education system offers free education to all children up to 18; and social security programs, which provide financial support to those unable to work due to illness, disability, or old age. Additionally, the welfare state in Britain also provides support to families with children, low-income individuals, and those who are unemployed. Generally, the implementation of the welfare state in Britain has played a crucial role in reducing poverty and inequality and has contributed to a higher quality of life for many people in the country.[Nicholas Barr, Economics of the Welfare State. Oxford University Press, USA (2020): 56]
Mixed Economy. A mixed economy system integrates arrangements of both socialism and capitalism. A strategy that integrates organizations of both capitalism and socialism is called a mixed economy. This system does not only protect non-governmental ownership and allows some financial freedom regarding the usage of assets, but it also allows state interference to achieve social objectives further. The neoclassical theory emphasizes that integrated financial strengths are less impactful compared to plain and uncharged enterprise, but advocates of government intercession state that the significant demands for effectiveness in natural market gaps, such as balanced knowledge-able inclusive of logical market players, cannot be achieved in real-life physical applications. Although many laws linked to it during the time were initially advocated, throughout the 1930s, the term "mixed economy" became known in the UK during the rise of World War II. The British Labour Party was affiliated with many of the supporters. In Britain, the government can use its regulatory powers to promote fair competition and protect consumers, which can help prevent market failures and ensure that the economy works for the benefit of all members of society. For example, the government regulates the banking and financial industries to prevent financial crises. It can provide a safety net for ind...
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