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Inoculation of enlightenment, history before European maritme

Essay Instructions:
SMALL POX Read B. Davidson, West Africa before the colonial era, pp. 25-61 [available on Blackboard]. Describe West African kingdoms and empires before the rise of the European maritime kingdoms of Portugal, Spain, and the Dutch, in relation to the following topics: ▪ the kingdom of Ghana, origins—c. 1100 CE ▪ the Mali and Songhay empires from the 12th to 16th centuries CE ▪ Centers of Learning and International Relations in Mali and Songhay— ▪ International Diplomatic and Commercial Relations with the Maghreb and Iberian Peninsula ▪ International Commercial and Diplomatic Relations with Egypt under Ottoman rule Include in your response citations from the two documentaries you watched in class (250 words minimum) discuss the significance of inoculation in the Enlightenment. Explain to the best of your ability why each of the following descriptions has been used for inoculation: “la plus belle découverte qui ait été faite en médecine, pour la conservation de la vie des hommes.” Encyclopédie (t. 8, 1765, p. 788b); “One of the few dramatic successes achieved by medicine before the twentieth century was the prevention of smallpox” R. Porter, (ed.) The Cambridge illustrated history of medicine (Cambridge, 1996, p. 130); “inoculation for smallpox was the beginning of all immunology, one of the greatest and most beneficent departments of modern medical science.” J. Needham, Times Literary Supplement, June 24, 1983, p. 673; inoculation is “constituent in the very idea of preventive medicine” (Achebe, ANTHC 32101 class lecture); and inoculation was “pivotal to the emergence of medicine as a science in the early modern period.” (Achebe, The Idea of Immunity, 2020, p. i) (200 words minimum) TIPS: 1) Write SHORT, clear sentences. 2) Put citations at the end of EVERY sentence or idea that is not your own original thought 3) Make sure you discuss ALL topics mentioned in the prompt 5) Cite class lectures where it is appropriate to do so. 6) Consult Citations document on Blackboard for how to make citations.
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Title Name Institution Course Instructor Date Before the discovery of European sea empires like Portugal, Spain, and the Netherlands, West Africa was a dwelling place of some great kingdoms and empires. These pre-colonial African societies did well economically, politically, and culturally. Among the well-known empires were Ghana, Mali, and Songhay, each having left a huge impact on the history of the region. West Africa also interacted with other regions, like Maghreb, Iberian Peninsula, and Egypt under the Ottoman rule which was equally important in developing its diplomatic as well as commercial relationships. Additionally, the Age of Enlightenment gave birth to an innovative medical approach called inoculation. This essay will examine the traits of West African kingdoms and empires and the implications of inoculation during the Enlightenment era. West African Kingdoms and Empires The Kingdom of Ghana was located in the Sahel region around 1100 CE and was famous for its fabled wealth from gold and salt trade. The centralized structure of government coupled with the strategic location whereby it controlled the main trade routes contributed to the economic prosperity and political dominance of Ghana in the region (Camara 2020, 30; Davidson 2015, 23-34; Mohamed 2022, 3296). Then, the Mali Empire took over from Ghana following the latter’s downfall and Mansa Musa became its leader. Mali enjoyed its greatest prosperity around the mid-14th century and was renowned worldwide as a land of huge riches and numerous cultural values. In Timbuktu, part of the Mali empire, knowledge blossomed into a beacon, drawing scholars from within Africa and the Muslim world (Camara 2020, 31; Davidson 2015, 35-44; Mohamed 2022, 3297). After, the Songhay Empire was founded by the successor of Mali and was one of the largest empires in West Africa. The continuation of Songhay as the political heirs of Mali meant that Timbuktu continued to be a thriving center of scholarship and trade. The empires of Mali and Songhay gave a big boost to the formation of West African societies and added to the region's long cultural history (Camara 2020, 32; Davidson 2015, 47-60; Mohamed 2022, 3297). Mali and Songhay, two great kingdoms from the West Africa, had diplomatic and commercial relations with adjacent states. Trade routes provided opportunities for the exchange of goods as well as thoughts and cultures. Further, the ties with Egypt were diplomatically engaged under Ottoman rule, added to the West Africa’s world relations and cultural diversity (Camara 2020, 29; Davidson 2015, 69). The depiction of the rise and fall of the African trading network in the video provides the audience with an even more powerful story of the economic, cultural, and eventually disruption. Furthermore, beyond only the trade of products like gold, ivory, and cotton, this network functioned as a channel for ideas, skills, and cultural practices going across boundless places. Nevertheless, its importance is not limited to the economic exchanges; it bears the stamp of Africa’s interconnectivity and the ability of its ...
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