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The Industrial West - Responses to Modernization

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Argumentative paper, Turabian style, 2 scholarly source

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The Industrial West - Responses to Modernization
In the late 18th century, the industrial revolution began. The west experienced massive transformations in the production of goods and services, thus increasing the growth of capitalism and industrialization. In response to modernization, the Industrial West underwent enormous changes in different domains, which affected varying aspects of the human. Hence, political, environmental, social, and economic transformations.
Economic Transformation
The industrial revolution led to the adoption of new technologies and increased production of goods and services. This adoption led to a significant increase in industrialization and capitalism. The increasing number of industries aided in economic growth and increased productivity. For the processing industries, there was increased demand for raw from the farms hence the adoption of large-scale agriculture to fill the supply gap. New machines and tools, such as steam-powered engines, were developed to aid in production.[Krishan Kumar, “Modernization.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., February 27, 2023. /topic/modernization, 1.]
Many people migrated from rural areas to urban leading to the emergence of industrial towns. The factory system also replaced the traditional cottage industries. Large populations shifted from doing agriculture to working in industries . Adopting machines that aided in work in the industry made more people prefer working in industries, thus increasing output. Concurrently, this employed a significant population and thus provided a reliable source of income. It led to improved living standards. Human and animal power was replaced with alternative energy sources such as coal, steam, and oil. This replacement made work easier and increased output.[Jonathan Daly, Western Civilization - Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume I: To 1789. 1. 11th ed. Vol. 1. Cengage Learning, Inc, 2014, 2.]
Modernization led to increased mechanization and commercialization of agriculture. However, only some countries, such as Denmark, focused on agriculture. This behavior led to a substantive increase in food production and supply, as countries were able to feed their population efficiently, increasing economic productivity . In addition, there was more scouting worldwide for raw materials for industries, and for depleted resources, science was applied to develop substitutes.[Jonathan Daly, Western Civilization - Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume I: To 1789. 1. 11th ed. Vol. 1. Cengage Learning, Inc, 2014 .]
The growth of industrial capitalism was a key economic response to modernization. It led to the emergence of the middle class, who owned and managed the factories, and the working class, who labored in the factories. In industrial capitalism, the means of production are privately owned. This economic system led to significant growth and stability of the economy in the Industrial West. [Krishan Kumar, “Modernization.” Encyclopædia Britannica (Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., February 27, 2023), /topic/modernization, 3.]
Social Transformation
The changes brought about by modernization also led to significant social transformations in the Industrial West. There were increased employment opportunities, rural-urban migration, social evils due to industrialization, communication, and changes in family structure. The rise of social classes emergence of new cultures and social norms was notable with modernization as it transformed existing social structures.
Modernization led to improved communication. The invention of the telephone and the radio by Alexander Bell and Guglielmo Marconi, respectively, pushed industrialization expansion. Moreover, industrialization aided in their distribution. There was an increase in the gap between the powerful and the powerless with modernity. The growth of industrial capitalism led to the emergence of the social classes. This growth led to significant changes in the organization of social structures from the traditional hierarchy based on land ownership and aristocracy. It also led to the emergence of public spheres where individuals would assemble and discuss various social, economic, or political issues.[Krishan Kumar, “Modernization.” Encyclopædia Britannica (Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., February 27, 2023), /topic/modernization, 4.]
The migration of the population to urban areas led to social dislocation. Most people lost touch with their origin, and the urban population increased steadily. This action led to new social problems like overcrowding, poverty, and pollution. Most men moved to urban areas to work in industries. This movement caused changes in family structures as families became woman-headed, thus the change in family structure. It also led to the emergence of a minority population in rural areas. Equally, since urban centers had people with varying social characteristics and beliefs, the cross-sharing of social ideologies led to the emergence of new social norms. There was also an increase in life expectancy as the population grew.[Jonathan Daly, Western Civilization - Ideas, Politics,...
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