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Indigenous Studies in Canada

Essay Instructions:

Reflect on the concept of ‘Truth and Reconciliation’. Describe how Truth and Reconciliation is beneficial to bettering Indigenous to non-Indigenous relations and how it might be detrimental for Indigenous and non-Indigenous relations.

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Indigenous Studies Canada
Indigenous Studies Canada
Canada's Truth and Reconciliation documents the history and effects of the Residential School system. The residential school system was marred with systematic physical, psychological and sexual abuse, according to the testimonies of many residential school survivors. These treatments, coupled with poor nutritional standards and medical care, contributed to increased mortality rates among residential schools. The system also led to the forced eviction of Aboriginal children from their land. Truth And Reconciliation reveal the long and painful story about Canada's treatment of Aboriginal people. Based on the history of indigenous people in Canada, it is clear that the discriminatory and inhumane acts towards a unique culture changed Canada's indigenous way of life. Truth and Reconciliation give significant insight and suggestions on how Canada can reconcile and become a mighty nation.[Stanton, K. (2018). "Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Settling the Past. International Indigenous Policy Journal, 2 (3), 21-43.] [Ibid] [Ibid]
Truth and Reconciliation are beneficial to improving the relationship between indigenous and non-indigenous in many ways. Firstly, Truth and Reconciliation sincerely acknowledges the injustices and harms encountered by indigenous people. It also focuses on the need for constant healing. Most importantly, truth and Reconciliation establishes a new relationship between Indigenous and non-indigenous Canadians based on recognition of rights, cooperation, partnership, and respect. This reconciliation and strengthened relationship improve the quality of life of the two groups. Since 2015, the Canadian government has invested heavily in Reconciliation to ensure a quality life for indigenous people. The investments in health, housing, early learning and childcare, and infrastructure have helped reduce the gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.[Verdoolaege, A. (2008). Reconciliation discourse: The case of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing.] [Verdoolaege, A. (2008). Reconciliation discourse: The case of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission...
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