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Historical Event Ethics And Civics Of The Reformers

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Please this is mid term Signature Essay. Please pay attention to the prompt question and understand it. It is analytical and MUST have the 3 thesis statement. Please make sure that your analysis answer the prompt questions. Use Footnotes and please make it a strong analytical essay. Thank you.

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Progressive Reformers
In the late 19th century through to the first decades of the twentieth century, the progressive and populist reformers were people who took the initiative to make the United States a better country for everyone. They did this by trying to address the economic, political and cultural questions that had risen due to the fast changes that were caused by the industrial revolution and due to the quick growth of the modern capitalism in the United States. Since the reformers stood for the ethics code and their civic duty to the American people, they considered a few things in the society not to be unethical hence pushed for reforms. They used different methods to push for this reforms, for example, running for office and advocating for them. They believed these changes would mark the end of the old order and create a new era. This paper examines and explains how reformer’s ethics and civics, the methods they used in civic engagement and their ethical considerations helped in spreading changes and reforms in the United States.
Ethics and civics of the reformers
The Gilded Age was associated with many problems such as the controversies over imperialism, wars between capital and labor, the rise of unprecedented fortunes and the outbreak of political radicalism. As a result, reformers established themselves so that they could address these problems. The reformers were the people who took it upon themselves to advocate and make changes that helped the country develop into what it is today and they included politicians, journalists, novelists, religious leaders and activists. It is important to note that the reformers had ethical beliefs which enabled them to identify right and wrong. Additionally, the reformers had a common civic duty and self-sacrifice. Political leaders such as Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Evans Hughes, and William Jennings are among the political reformers. Where Theodore Roosevelt was a progressive reformer. While economic reformers formed groups such as the people's party that helped in giving the farmers the economic parity with business and industry.[The American Yawp, 2013. "20. The Progressive Era: Mobilizing for Reform." Accessed February 13, 2019.] [The American Yawp, 2013. "20. The Progressive Era: Mobilizing for Reform." Accessed February 13, 2019.]
The progressive and populist reformers believed in the concept of right and wrong. Hence, they made their main objective to eradicate the things that undermined the growth of the society and upheld those that encouraged its growth. They began by making a movement known as the people’s party by the Republicans, an...
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