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Gender Norms Previously Favored Males Compared to Females

Essay Instructions:

Write an analytical essay (12-point font and 5 to 7 double-spaced pages) responding to  one of the following questions. Group wor k is not permitted; if two submissions are near identical, both will receive a score of zero.

Referencing style should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition.

1. In what ways have gender norms

changed over time in PRC history?

2. Did the origins of the Tiananmen democra cy movement come more from the Maoist period or the post-Mao era?

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Gender Norms in PRC
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Gender Norms in PRC
Gender inequality is one of the grassroots problems that has affected most of the Chinese population. Inequitable gender norms most affect both males' and females' well-being, thereby inducing gender-based violence among families (Pulerwitz et al. 2015). Some of the common that most Chinese people exercise include taking men as the supreme decision-makers in the family, allowing men to maintain multiple sexual partners also the justification of physical violence against partners. The gender norms that patronize men against women are usually internalized from childhood (Pulerwitz et al. 2015). Gender discrimination often makes women have less control over some common behaviors, including negotiating on condom use, ability to travel to various places, and the act of society condoning some discriminative treatment against women.
In China, there is has been constant political support towards gender equality. However, evidence shows there have cases of gender inequality which are usually associated with the feminization of poverty of women among the urban and rural populations (Xu & Cory 2019). This increases the labor market's rift, especially regarding income gaps and job recruitments, and lowers women and girls' status. According to China's Gender Equality and Women's Development Report, 30% of the total population has encountered domestic and gender-based violence (Pulerwitz et al. 2015). Also, the strict adherence to cultural norms in the country has been closely associated with most intimate violence among marriage partners. Intending to rectify gender-based violence in the country, various organizations such as PATH, with Nike Foundation's help, have cooperated with China Family Planning Association to evaluate and initiate and intervention-focused methods in promoting gender equity and equality in the country (Pulerwitz et al. 2015). The main objective for these associations was a close examination of the gender-related norms and attitudes, which will help the organizations reduce dangerous behaviors such as sexual abuse and partner violence and support equality in girls' treatment. The partnership has worked with various home appliances companies and international consumer electronics to initiate the intervention in their factories their vocational training centers.
Several studies show that most of the gender gaps exist due to personal characters, psychological characters, sense of competition, institutional and traditional impacts (Pulerwitz et al. 2015). Firstly, the causes have been divided broadly to be associated with mental health and formal requirements. The two greatly impact the perception of how men take women and also how women take men. Gender inequality has been greatly associated with cultural norms in the country, and it is ideally the cultures that foster the inequitable treatment of women in the country (He et al. 2018). From the recent research findings, gender role attitudes in some of the traditional practices such as plowing agricultural systems have been present over several decades. They have spearheaded gender discrimination and inequality among the Chinese, especially in the labor setting. This finding illustrates that traditional gender role attitudes have been present over decades and continue to exhibit continuity and different effects with the evolution of society (He et al. 2018). The influence of patriarchy is key and needs to be explored as it takes root in most of the country's Confucian tradition and its agricultural civilization. Nevertheless, gender inequality has transitioned with the Chinese markets' reformation and the transitioning of various institutions. Therefore, most of the gender stratification o the basis of culture is being countered by the involvement of both men and women in the sales of agricultural produce; thus, reformation of the country's gender equality has commenced.
The labor market helps to show the transitions made in gender norms. Gender role attitudes greatly influence the labor market. Gender role attitudes affect gender discrimination and income inequality through occupational values. It does this by making individuals choose different education majors where most women currently can choose more technical programs such as road construction courses or even engineering programs that long time ago the courses were being taken by men (He et al. 2018). On the other hand, men have started doing jobs previously considered women's work, like cosmetic products, hair industries, and the likes. The redistribution of both genders in different markets has provided a large labor pool whereby many employees can source quality labor supply. Additionally, the labor market shows various transitions in gender norms in that women now focus more on interpersonal relationships. In contrast, men focus on money and material things, social statuses, and prestige. This is because many people join the labor market with different perspectives, thus leading to more gender segregation (Ji et al. 2018). Also, traditional norms deny most women high managerial positions since society perceives women as people who are not consistent with high positions.
From further studies conducted on women's education, there has been tremendous improvement compared to earlier decades. Previously, many women were not allowed to hold degrees or doctorate certificates as it was perceived as a form of competition with their male counterparts. Most Chinese households believed that women are only destined to be housewives who would only bear children, look after a home, perform house chores, and cater to their husbands' needs without any objection (Ji et al. 2018). Most men took advantage of these traditional norms in that they took their women as sexual objects and thus could have access to their bosses against their will. Additionally, this accorded men with the chance of marrying many women who sometimes they would divorce inconsiderably. The current society, however, does not permit such practices. According to the China Gender Equality body, both men and women are equal before Chinese law (Xu & Cory 2019). The body stipulates that a woman has the freedom of learning and proceeding...
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