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Discuss the beginning of christianity. How it began and how dit it spread?

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written in chicago style of writing.Double space using 12 point Times New Roman font. two page paper Title Discuss the beginning of Christianity;How it began and how did it spread.
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Beginning Of Christianity and How It Spread
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Christianity is the religion whose foundation lies upon Jesus’ miracles and teachings. Jesus is Christ. Word Christ signifies an anointed person. God anointed Jesus, sent him to the world to fulfill the prophecies and the laws in the Old Testament, he was crucified, died, buried and on the third day he fought death through resurrection. Jesus work involved performing miracles. He came as a human being but was divine. The teachings of Christianity are that Christians should worship just one God, who created Eve and Adam, made Earth and the universe. It is important to explain the beginning of Christianity and how it spread.
Christianity commenced in Judea, which was a province that was ruled by Jewish in the Roman Empire. Jewish rulers were in charge of governing the distant and small region. Several Jews groups started opposing the governance of the rulers, which contributed to the appointment of a Jewish convert by the name Herod. Herod was the King who ruled Judea. The new king used harsh rules which contributed to the resistance of the empire from Jews. Early Christians had to gather privately. The rulers in Roman Empire also persecuted and distrusted Christians which increased the fear of building and spreading Christianity. Nevertheless, Christians were strong and determined to spread the Gospel.
In 313 A.D, the situation took another turn. The change was a result of Constantine who recognized Christianity as a religion other than being a Jews sect and this acceptance resulted to more churches construction as places where Christians met to worship. In the modern world, researchers are searching for the churches remains with the intensions of trying to know how old Christianity is. Some people held Christianity spread accountable for the Roman Empire fall. Since Christianity was similar to widespread cults, its spread and acceptance became easier. People used to believe that Mithraism was the sun’s son that was a ...
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