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Diller Scofidio’s Architectural Works and the Philosophy on the Readings

Essay Instructions:

This an architecture history paper that primarily focuses on the work from Diller Scofilio in relation to the attached readings. The Works should be "2016. Vagelos Education Center. Diller Scofidio. NYC." "The Vessel. Diller Scofidio. NYC.", and "1999. Brasserie. Diller Scofidio. NYC."

A few tips on how to proceed:

1) The “what’s at stake?” question will be particularly useful for such an analysis. What is at stake in the reading and what is at stake in the architectural work?

2) You should not assume that the paper “describes” the work or that the work “illustrates” the reading. You will need to find commonalities/differences between reading and building that help you analyze the relation between them, but it does not

have to be a perfect fit. It is OK if they “collide” with each other. After all, we are talking about bringing different mediums into the same place—texts vs. projects

3) Some historical research on the contexts of the reading and/or building/project is often helpful to bring out the “tables of operation” upon which each depend.

Wikipedia should only be the first step in historical research—it can lead you to other, more comprehensive, information. Please cite all your references in appropriate footnotes (use The Chicago Manual of Style for online guidance on citing references)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Research Paper on Diller Scofidio’s Works
as Compared to Reading
May 2021
Architectural designs are created and meticulously planned for purposes of perfecting a blueprint and layout whilst the process of Reading is a hobby that awakens the mind to new dimensions of truth as stories unfold. Diller Scofidio’s strategies and methods are a game changer in the world of architecture while Reading always brings us to added knowledge and places without being physically present since our minds travel to new dimensions and geographical locations as we rummage through every chapter of a book. Hence, this paper will discuss and analyze Diller’s works as compared to Reading in order to decipher the importance of this process. There are different classes of architecture such as the educational, residential, healthcare, workplace and institutional thus, understanding the designs and concepts in Diller’s craftsmanship in architecture which also encompasses the various classes of modern methods, helps understand the very purpose why these structural buildings have been built. Reading just about any book or article is also in a way similar into the process of having an in-depth understanding of the creativity of Diller Scofidio. This brilliant architect has started a wave of modern and highly technological strategy of creating something magnificent out of nothing. His creations defy the norm and has opened new dimensional methods in the field of architecture while the act of Reading never ends and continuous even in our old age.
We all know that as we look at architectural infrastructures and sky high enterprises, we feel emotions of joy and amazement since the builder has accurately created a unique design but Reading places us at the edge of our seats and keeps us hooked to what lies ahead or how the story would end. Diller’s works via virtual reality is an implementation and method of creating from scratch, a skill that could never be copied however in Reading, the books being read could ofthen be plagiarized and copied. Diller’s craftsmanship would have never existed in the absence of perfect calculation and measurement accorded by Engineers as to the meters, kilograms and whatever are necessary in the usage of construction materials. In Reading, there is no need for calculations, you just sit on a comfy chair and browse through your choice books and read until the end of daytime.
In Diller’s works, the facade of a building must not only be beautiful but the very structure and foundation must be strong similarly to Reading wherein the reader gains a strong foundation of the story and book being read.
Now, the main point of discussion is centralized on the Diller Scofidio designs such as the Vessel and the Brasserie as compared to Reading.
A Brief Historical Background on Diller-Scofido Vis-a-vis the Act of Reading
Let me elucidate that Diller’s Works are known to be extremely magnificent breaking the limitations in Architecture while Reading has evolved and become better from eyeing novels to basically browsing the pages of books with genre on pulp and fiction, Reading has become a part of everyday living and a form of de-stress to most. It keeps the mind calm and knowledgeable. So based on the records on American Architecture, years ago Diller Scofdio’s studio was started in the year 1981 in order to make a statement of their ingenuity and originality in terms of design and style of architecture. Diller’s thought patterns which manifested in how she process her reading and understanding through the designs and blueprints she makes made her even more popular when the Time Magazine featured her as a part of 100 of the most influential persons in the world. While in the method of Reading, there is no need for a degree or expertise in a particular subject matter but rather what is needed is the passion, drive and the desire to learn and travel to new dimensions of stories inside the comfort of your own home. Similarly, to the strategy of Reading, you will also gain additional knowledge and power because you have the edge and you know more. Reading places us in a level of excellence and develops that standard of professionalism in our lives.
Three of Diller’s works were the Brasserie, Vessel and the Vagelos. These three architectural buildings were different from the usual infrastructures that we see around us.
Reading is only in the emotional, mental and spirit form or state of min since we neither touch anything that is tangible and we only see words. Words that capture us to be involved in the plot as we browse and leaf through the pages of every chapter as to the book we have chosen to finish reading.
Diller’s works was not just about the designs and style or the plan but it was more about the connection of the people and their attachments to the buildings.
The Importance of the Reading and the Architectural Work of Diller
According to a creative architect Deleuze Gilles that “Understanding the Virtual or even the notion of it in terms of its philosophy stops being indeterminate and vague depending upon the readings or how we interpret the infrastructures designed by Architects”. Although in Diller’s projects there were complexities in works of art specifically in the field of architecture and oftentimes, we cannot truly express how we appreciate the creations and they have to speak as they stand. Reading goes way beyond our physical form and traverses into a state of trance-like enthusiasm. Reading is a form and way of art. It teaches us right from wrong depending upon what kind of books we read. Also remember that there are bad and good books so we only have to choose that which is good to our mental stability and health.
It is note-worthy that for Diller’s creativity and retrospective work that are unorthodox, they were given numerous awards coming from the different well-known Architectural Companies in response to their countless ideas that mesmerized the nation as a whole. They brought in a whole new concept in the field of architecture and one that resonates beyond the four wall of the structures built and constructed. Reading is a craftsmanship and skill. It takes patience, endurance, a deep level of understanding to complete reading a book and comprehend. As we can see, Diller’s works and the process of Reading are similar in many ways such but not limited to the following. Both brings out a better version of ourselves, both adds up to our knowledge in life or whatever field of work we are in. Both are needed in each other’s side. How can an architect study and learn in the absence of his skill to read and write. How can an architect understand the desires of his clients if he does not read their requests. Reading is vital in architecture and at the same time architecture is the content for architects to read.
In 1999, the MacArthur Foundation presented Elizabeth Diller and Ricardo Scofidio with Fellowships for their commitment to integrating architecture with issues of contemporary culture.They received countless of awards from prestigious institutions such as the Royal Institute of British Architects, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and was granted the Barnard Medal Distinction. These awards could never be made possible if not for the perseverance of Diller and her team to study, read and learn the concepts of architecture.
In Reading, we get to choose the contents and the title that we want to learn or study. We could read about Architecture and learn from the books. Similarly in Architecture there is also a need to read hence their is an invisible relationship between Reading and being an Architect. Diller’s works became known for their innovative designs and excellent practice and application of their profession. Architectural designs planned to be built comes to life through the living individuated body since virtual works actually operates on a whole new plane. We are talking about a variety of modalities that are virtual and a pluralist philosophy that represents the realities of life in and through buildings or infrastructures. Diller and Scofidio sent the world of architecture mind blown, amazed, and unable to truly comprehend how these Architects managed to take out from the ordinary and build strong extraordinaire structures. We have heard of virtual words, virtual images and even virtual memories but who would have thought that virtual 3D or even 4D buildings could be built and developed. Well, this is yet another similarity with the act and process of Reading. Reading is virtual because we read using only the eyes and the mind.
In Diller’s works, the complexity of the buildings add to the freedom of expression that revolves around life and the necessity of expressing the ideas, setting everything into motion through project and building developments is the ultimate work of art (Bergson, Henri).
This being said, the Diller-Scofidio Tandem has primarily stretched the very imaginations of the Engineers and Architects that defy human limitations. They did the impossible and even accomplished the quality of work that shows excellence and art. Diller used imagination which is a part of Reading as well. We use our emotions, mind and imagination to have a full grasp of understanding the books we read.
Commonalities/Differences between Reading and Building as to the Mediums Texts vs. Projects
Reading and Building have differences and they have similarities. While in architecture, the main intent is to be recognized and feel acceptance as one that is well-versed in the field of architecture whatever design, indoor, outdoor, an arena, stage or mall, the motive is to engage th...
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