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Differences In The Impacts Of New Imperialism And Colonialism

Essay Instructions:

1. Please use simple parenthetical references to page numbers of the specific accounts, such as (Getz, 24) or (textbook, 75) or (lecture, 3/22/2017). Notice that the name in the citation needs to be the name of the specific source but the page number needs to be the number marked on that page in the documents (the page number of the Word document will suffice for most readings).

2. Here are some questions for the essay:

" What was "new imperialism" and how was it different from colonialism in the Americas?

" Compare the three of the regions where new imperialism occurred (East Asia, Africa, and the Middle East):

o What were some similarities between new imperialism in those regions?

o What were some differences?

o Why, in particular, were there differences?

" What were the various responses to imperialism in those regions?

" Consider BOTH the "Western" side and the "non-Western" side and consider political, economic, social, and cultural perspectives.

3. Your essay should have a clear introduction that states your thesis statement and a conclusion that wraps up the paper. Make sure to avoid introductions and conclusions that say nothing though, like: "In conclusion, there were some similarities and differences from the two accounts. Though the differences were very different, the similarities were fairly identical."

Then, in the body of your paper, make sure that you use one paragraph per idea, and make sure that you have sufficient evidence to support each of your argumentative assertions (often the first sentence or two of a paragraph, referred to as the "topic sentence"). And remember, when writing about the past and accounts written in the past, use the past tense. There may be occasions where you will need to use the present tense but your paper should be dominated by past tense verbs.

Furthermore, historical writing uses the active voice because it explains who is responsible and what they have done. Passive voice does not, o avoid it. The most famous example of passive voice: "Mistakes were made." Historians want to know who made the stakes and why. Active: "Jones made mistakes because he misjudged the importance of the deal."

4. " Write in 12-pt font

" Use double-spacing

" Use 1-inch margins on all sides

" All pages must be numbered with your name on the first page at least.

" Think up a title that conveys what your paper is about; this is a useful exercise in helping to refine your thesis statement and arguments

" The paper MUST be edited and proofread. (The best way to do this is to read the paper out loud to yourself).

" Use spell check and grammar check BUT note that this will not catch every error (or even most errors).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Colonialism and new imperialism Name: Course: Date: Colonialism and New Imperialism The growth of most of the regions and some of the never ending wars that are present in the Middle East, Africa and East Asia, are relative to the experiences they have had with colonialism and new imperialism. These are two concepts that are constantly used by many scholars interchangeably. However, they are different and they have had different impacts. Across the African nations, East Asia and even in the Middle East the experiences were different. This paper evaluates the differences in the impacts of the elements of new imperialism and colonialism in the three regions relative to their similarities and differences. In the case of East Asia and Africa colonialism was systemized while the Middle East was more of new imperialism. Colonialism is an aspect that is associated with a country conquering another and ruling over is in way to make sure that the former is able to take advantage of the resources of the latter. New Imperialism on the other hand is associated with the element of creating an empire and then making efforts to expand their influence over a wider region. For example in this excerpt it is clear that Africa was colonized by Britain. ‘South Africa is my country in which I was born, the country of my forefathers. I regret to tell you this evening that we have no place to lay our heads. All the land was taken from us in the name of the Crown of Great Britain and the people were driven away from their ancestral homes which were turned into farms.’ (Josiah) According to Josiah, their land resources were taken by the British such that they do not have a place to lay their heads.[Josiah T. Gumede, African National Congress Against Imperialism (1927), ebook, n.d.] In the case of East Asia, of importance is China, which was struggling with the impact that the British had in the region. What is more interesting is the fact that, the British had established a stronghold in India which they would later use grab onto the rest of the region. This was the case with China where the British would use the India fertile lands to grow opium which they would then sell in China. The situation later escalated when number of addicts in China increased forcing Lin Wen-chung kung cheng-shu to write to the Queen Victoria to stop the trade. In a way to respond to the stubborn approach of the British, he also ordered that lands that were under opium be destroyed and instead food plants put on the farms. It was also established that money that would be found on those growing the opium would be confiscated. The Chinese felt that this was an evil they needed to eliminate it.[Excerpts from Fukuzawa Yukichi, “Good-Bye Asia” (1885), ebook, n.d.] [Lin Zexu, Letter To Queen Vi...
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