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Demand for Reparation of Indignity as the Cause of Ships Exclusion and Vessels Withdrawal

Essay Instructions:

Please choose a document from the Major Problems readings for the week you are writing. In a 1-2 page paper please respond to your chosen document. Your paper should include a bibliographical reference, and should have 2 parts to it.
The first part of your paper should be a candid response to the document. Did you enjoy this document, did you find it overly long, or difficult to understand? Why did you choose this document to respond to? Did something about it stick out as familiar or surprising? Was there something you found interesting or intriguing?
The second part of the paper should focus on why the document was created in the way it was. What type of document is it (an article, a speech, a letter, etc)? Who was intended to read it? What did the author want to accomplish or say through the work, and just as importantly- were they successful in their aims? Why or why not? What choices did they make that allowed the work to achieve that aim (or not)? Does your analysis of the document relate to your earlier reaction to the document (is it suitable that you didn’t find a supreme court case to be very exciting, or that a political speech was written in clear accessible language)? Remember to be specific and use examples from the text (with citations) to describe your ideas.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Response Paper
Student’s Name
The document is quite impressive, mainly because it exposes the reader to a part of history that is not necessarily mainstream. However, the document employs a jargon that is challenging to comprehend. Regardless of this, the document can be understood, and its historical significance has not affected by the language. The year is 1807. A British ship has attacked citizens of the United States near the modern-day state of Virginia. The American secretary of state protests the hostile attack through the document. The events presented in the document bear some resemblance to the position that the country finds itself today. Recently, the country has rubbed shoulders the wrong way with some of her traditional allies. Though the situation has not escalated to a magnitude such as that presented in the document, the various diplomatic rows that the current administration has found itself in are comparable with the event in the document. It is for this reason that I chose this particular document. Interestingly, I had no prior knowledge of this historical occurrence. It is through the document that I got to learn about it. The document also triggered me to seek further information on the event which is popularly known as the Chesapeake-Leopard affair. Despite the strong words used by the secretary of state in the document and the subsequent calls by the Americans for war with Great Britain, Congress ruled out any possibility of armed conflict. President Jefferson initially attempted bellicosity which grew to a full-blown economic warfare.
James Madison, the secretary of state, uses strong words to describe and condemn the attack. One might be forgiven for thinking that he stretched the whole event out of proportion. By reading the document, one gets a picture of a massacre. However, the attack resulted in only four casualties. Though no American l...
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