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Proposal: Chinese History Research Paper. History Essay

Essay Instructions:

The title of the article is undecided. See the documentation I provided for details. Please be sure to ask for more. After writing, please give me a simple proposal and paper thesis according to the content of the article. (proposal and thesis are simple and clear, thank you!)


Research Paper Assignment


As the syllabus indicates, you must write a research paper for this course. You should come to discuss your topic with me as soon as possible. This will allow you enough time to secure necessary materials, do the research, and complete the writing on time.



You may write your paper on any topic subject to the following restrictions: (1) The paper MUST deal primarily with China; and (2) The paper must focus on the period AFTER A.D. 1368 (1368 c.e).



The paper must be ten (10) pages in length. This does not include the title page and bibliography. It also assumes 12 point size in a recognized font (Times New Roman is one standard). Margins should be 1” all around.



All papers must follow the course style manual “Writing Papers in East Asian Studies.” I expect you to read this manual and conform to all its requirements. History writing generally uses the Chicago Style of documentation (also known as the Notes-Bibliography Style). This is described in the course style manual. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to me about them. There is a link to this document on the Blackboard Learning System. You can also access it through the East Asian Studies Department website (at the following URL):




All papers must have properly formatted footnotes and a bibliography.



Each item you submit must be typed and printed. This includes proposal, the thesis statement, and the final paper version. I do not want any fancy presentation such as plastic covers or other unusual binding. All printed papers must be stapled in the upper left hand corner. Staple it before you try to submit it. “I didn’t have a stapler” is not an acceptable excuse. Plan ahead.


Proposal: Due Tuesday, March 26.

All students must submit a paper proposal to me by this date. The proposal must consist of two parts:

(1) A paragraph indicating your historical question and how you will approach it.

(2) A properly formatted, preliminary bibliography.


Thesis Statement: Due Tuesday, April 16.

You must submit a succinct statement of your paper’s thesis in no more than two or three well-crafted sentences. This is the succinct answer to your research question.


Final Paper Due Date: Thursday, April 25, 2019

You must submit the final version of the paper in TWO forms: (1) Printed, hard copy; AND (2) Upload through the Blackboard Safe Assign System. If you do not submit both, the paper will receive a grade of zero (0).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Proposal: Chinese History Research Paper
Chinese history deals with different chronological account of past events shaping up the country to what it is in today’s world. The period of imperial dynasties in China, for instance, marks a time of mixed fortunes for the vast nation with equally unique accounts for each of the regimes. Among such dynasties was the Ming imperial dynasty (1368 A.D.-1644 A.D.) whose rule was characteristic of remarkable economic development and stability. However, the economic success could not outlive the regime’s inevitable end after over 270 years in power. The research paper seeks to unveil the reasons behind the renowned economic success of the Ming Dynasty and the subsequent reasons for its failure by answering the question; What were the fundamental factors leading to the rise and fall of the economy during the Ming’s imperial dynasty?
Thesis Statement
A comprehensive analysis of the economic deve...
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