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Causes of Urbanization During the Gilded Age

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Instructions

Choose one of the following prompts and answer all questions as thoroughly as possible in a historical essay about four full pages in length. Use our course texts and required readings, and please cite work in Chicago format.


The Essay will be at least four full pages in length, double-spaced, using 12-point font.

Please include the following information either on a cover page or in the top corner of the first page: your name, date the essay is due, the class section, and an indication of which essay option you have chosen. Cover page is not included in the page count.

No Works Cited or Bibliography page necessary. Use Chicago footnotes and endnotes instead.

How to submit:

Upload a copy of Essay One to this folder by clicking the link in the top-right corner of this assignment instruction page.

An “A” essay will:

Be cited in Chicago format.

Answer the chosen essay prompt fully and completely.

Include a main thesis, or argument, which the rest of your essay will successfully refer to and strengthen.

Use detailed and appropriate evidence from the course’s required readings.

Utilize a mix of both primary and secondary source material.

Include body paragraphs that a) support your thesis, and b) are organized using transition sentences.

Be at least four full pages in length.

Prompt Option 1: Determine whether the Reconstruction of the US following the Civil War was a success or a failure. What was the significance of the Reconstruction era?

Prompt Option 2: What were the causes of urbanization during the Gilded Age? What were the results and consequences of urbanization on politics, the economy, and society?

Prompt Option 3: Explain the differing ideas of "freedom", "belonging", and/or "opportunity" in late-19th century US, with special attention to the role of class, race, gender, and nationality.

Prompt Option 4: Explain Manifest Destiny and the transformation of the west. What role did railroads play in opening the west to settlement? What other factors contributed to the growth of western migration? What about the groups that were already there (i.e. Native Americans, cowboys)? What was the experience of Chinese immigrants in the west?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Prompt 2
Cities expanded rapidly and significantly during the latter part of the 19th century, a historical period known as the Gilded Age. The majority of the credit for this goes to industry and immigration. The period in which cities expanded faster than at any other point in history significantly impacted the organizational structures of governments, economic systems, and how people interacted with one another. Urbanization was an essential factor that contributed to the expansion of the economy and the proliferation of many approaches to presenting cultural elements. But in addition to that, it caused enormous issues in both the social and political spheres.[Zhehan Zhang et al., "Riverside building boundary spatial characteristics and utilization patterns in China post-urbanization: a case study on Shantang River, Suzhou," Journal of Asian Architecture]
The growth of cities can be attributed to a select few primary factors throughout the Gilded Age. A substantial amount of industry at this time was a significant contributor. A boost in employment available in urban areas can be attributed to expanding industries such as manufacturing and mining. Consequently, people living in rural areas flocked to urban sites in pursuit of employment and a more desirable way of life. Another factor that contributed to the expansion of city populations was the movement of immigrants from other countries into the United States.[Ibid.]
During the period known as the Gilded Age, the leading causes of an increase in the number of people living in cities were industrialization and immigration. During the rapid expansion of the industrial sector, many people relocated from rural to urban areas. They acted this way because they desired employment in mills, mines, and factories. Establishing reliable modes of transportation, such as the construction of railroads, was a significant contributor to the ease with which people and products could be moved from one location to another. The rapid expansion of cities was made feasible as a result of this. Businesses and industries tend to relocate to urban areas, increasing work opportunities and a pay rise.[Abhay Aneja and Guo Xu, "Strengthening State Capacity: Postal Reform and Innovation during the Gilded Age," 2022] [Yuen Y. Ang, China's Gilded Age: The Paradox of Economic Boom and Vast Corruption (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020)]
The process of urbanization significantly impacted the economy. The development of urban centers into significant centers of industrial activity significantly contributed to the expansion and advancement of the national economy. The concentration of firms in urban areas led to increased levels of output as well as the development of new technologies, both of which contributed to the accelerated expansion of the economy. The fast evolution of cities resulted in an increased demand for goods and services, which in turn spurred the establishment of new local enterprises and the expansion of existing trade networks.[Robert F. Zeidel, "Confronting the Barons," Robber Barons and Wretched Refuse, 2020]
When the positive effects of urbanization on society as a whole are considered, it becomes abundantly evident that this process ...
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