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An Analysis Of The Major Influences On The Roman Political Life

Essay Instructions:

By answeringm, please construct and defend a thesis statement by using the set texts provided. The largest part of the paper should be devoted to constructing the argument on the basis of the ancient evidence.

Set texts:

Sallust, Catiline; Plutarch, Ti Gracchus and C. Gracchus, Sulla, Pompey, Caesar

If you need specifics and where to find the set texts, please email me.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

An Analysis Of The Major Influences On The Roman Political Life
Within 133 to 43 BC
Student Name
March 11, 2019
An Analysis Review Assignment
As implied on UShistory.org, the Roman political life was based on the established Roman Republic (1). For many centuries already, multiple countries have applied the Roman republic governing system when it comes to running their governmental affairs, as also stated on UShistory.org (1). The United States government partially modeled its governmental system after the Roman republic, as stated on the same website, as well (1). The establishment of the Roman republic primarily came about after the uprising for the overthrow of the Etruscan colonizers in Rome occurred, as stated on UShistory.org (2). Military commands and Roman armies were the people who were capable of participating in the mentioned uprising activity. Therefore, military commands and Roman armies were the sole influencers in the successful establishment of the Roman republic.
According to Encyclopedia.com, Gaius Sallustius Crispus, or popularly known as Sallust, was a statesman and historian from Rome (1). Sallust did not focus on detailing the historical events leading up to the birth of the Roam republic in his writings, as stated in Encyclopedia.com (1). As such, Sallust emphasized in his writings that, indeed, violence was necessary to be implemented in order to overthrow the colonizers, thus, successfully establishing the Roman Republic. Sallust did realize that aggressiveness played a major role in enabling the establishment of the Roman republic. Without aggressiveness, there would be no way that the colonizers in Rome would be overthrown. If the colonizers in Rome were not overthrown, Roman people would not be able to be free from foreign control. If colonizers in Rome were not overthrown, as of the present time, Roman people would still be not enjoying the privileges that are available for people who are living in democratic countries. Sometimes, even though people would get hurt physically and emotionally, force or violence is necessary in order to maximize the enjoyment of freedom or liberty.
Lucius Sergius Catilina, or famously known as Catiline, was a warrior during the Roman Republic, according to Headstuff.org (2). As such, Catiline exerted a major influence on the development of war during the overthrow uprising activity against the colonizers in Rome. At a young age, Cataline realized the importance of aggressiveness in being able to be successfully free, socially and economically speaking. Cataline was determined to fight in the war in Rome, regardless of his potential vulnerabilities in fighting due to his young age. Cataline had the mindset that there was nothing he should be able to accomplish that he had desired to accomplish, even though he was very young. Cataline's determination and motivation eventually flourished and prospered. The Roman conspirator was able to bring honor to Rome after he was able to help overthrow the colonizers in the country successfully. Cataline was a living example of hope and triumph. Many other aspiring warriors and soldiers in Rome should start looking up to Cataline as their role model after that.
Plutarch was a Greek biographer who powered the inspiration for spiritualism to come about, according to Britannica.com (4). Applying Plutarch's philosophy on the efforts of establishing the Roman republic, strong faith in God should dominate during times of war and distraught. Plutarch's philosophy should give hope to the Romans who had come to despair in times of violence and instability. Plutarch's philosophy should inspire Romans to believe that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. The said philosophy would enlighten Romans that as long as there was life, there was hope. Strong faith in God should be the strong foundation for believing that something positive was still about to materialize, regardless of how tough the situations being dealt with maybe.
Plutarch also adhered to the belief that morality should be the first and foremost priority when it comes to executing any actions, according to Britannica.com (4). As such, Plutarch did not encourage the execution of actions based purely on one's desires. Plutarch strongly believed in giving substantial considerations on the welfare of other people, as well, about the execution of any actions. Having said this, Plutarch's philosophy was in contradiction to the goals integrated about the establishment of the Roman Republic. Plutarch would never encourage violence or force to ensue in the name of freedom. Plutarch's philosophy would consider the welfare of all the people affected by violence or force. As per Plutarch's philosophy, the overall well-being of all people should always be more substantially important above everything else. Plutarch's philosophy should deem the desire to implement force or violence just so to be able to have freedom and liberty as selfish. Plutarch would not have regarded such desire as justified in God's eyes. The biographer's philosophy should view people who lived with such desire as violating God's principles. The Romans had their reasons for not agreeing with Plutarch's philosophy. These reasons were the most common reasons why many people are still making it a goal to have freedom or liberty, even if it means exerting force or violence in being able to have these things in life.
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus was a Roman tribune who advocated for the implementation of ways to upgrade the socio-economic status of tiny groups of independent farmers, according to Britannica.com (1). The advocacies of Gracchus did ma...
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