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Neuro Paper: Development of Alzheimer Patients Care Center

Essay Instructions:

imagine a 3000 square foot space that supports and enhances the health of Alzheimer patients. describe what would be the best things to have in that treatment facility that can improve the lives of those patients, in a 10 page double spaced final paper that incorporates neurobiology into your designs.

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Institution of Affiliation
Development of Alzheimer Patients Care Center
The population of the individuals suffering from Alzheimer ailment is increasing day by day as the members of the society age. More over 496,000 individuals in the United Kingdom are said to be suffering from this disease. This has called for attention to increase the care of such individuals within the society. To show the sensitivity of this matter, the government has donated 3000 square foot to establish the facility which will care for Alzheimer patients within the society. Considering that most of the patients need different medical attention, the provided land should, therefore, constitute of the several facilities demanded by such patients. For the Alzheimer care unit to be effective, it should include several features which are essential for the patients. The care center developed also should possess modern and diversified facility to cater for all individuals of different social status suffering from dementia related diseases. The aging population which is more prone to this disease is increasing as people get old, therefore, this calls for more improved facilities. The allocated land should comprise of several structures which will aid the Alzheimer patients towards recovery and resumption of their usual life.[(Health Information. 2015. Alzheimer's Disease. July 15. Accessed April 28, 2016. http://patient.info/doctor/alzheimers-disease.)]
Fencing and Security
The fencing and security should be the priority for this development project. After acquiring this land, the first objective to be attained is the construction of the fence all around the given field. Having identified that the area shall be restricted from unauthorized individuals, the fencing of this ground is very crucial. The fence serves as the security measures for the individuals within the medical facility. Having known that the facilities within the center should be protected, the fence acts as the obstruction for those who may intend to get to the structures and destroy them. The fence helps in monitoring the entrance and exit to the facility. The individual’s entrance, therefore, can be controlled within the premises through a specified place of entrance and exit. The facility handles individuals with mental problems whom might try to escape from the medical centers, a strong fence then acts as a restriction to the patients who might opt to escape the medical facility. No land shall be utilized in this case as the fence is on the margin of the land.[(Health Information. 2015. Alzheimer's Disease. July 15. Accessed April 28, 2016. http://patient.info/doctor/alzheimers-disease.)]
Development of the Environment
Creation of the environment is very crucial for the facility. There is also a good implication if a facility has a good and conducive environment which even attracts the patients themselves. A good environment, to begin with, should have trees. Trees should be grown in a certain ratio. Trees have several benefits in facilities such as the one to be created. Firstly, trees are a source of shade. Instead of having artificial shades, the facility should plant trees to provide the patients and other individuals who will be using the facility with shade. Tree shades are considered best for they are well ventilated and allow free circulation of the air. The trees should not be scattered without a plan. There should be a specific order. Another importance of the tree is that they also act as strong wind breakers. Strong winds can destroy facilities leading to it being insecure for the patients within the facility. The trees also prevent materials carried by the winds from landing within the facility premises.[(Alzheimer Association. 2012. Treatments for Alzheimer's disease. May 24. Accessed April 28, 2016. /alzheimers_disease_treatments.asp.)]
The other factor of the environment which needs to be considered is the flower gardens. Flowers make the surrounding look smart and attractive. The activities of watering and management of the flowerbed can be given to some of the patients who are not in critical status and through this engagement they can recover fully within a short period of time. The environment is very key as it also depicts the level of governance the facility has. If the outer depicts good management, it shows that the management is responsible in every aspect. Moreover, the society can also get engaged in the management of the facility. Through this, a strong relationship between the facility and the community can be established which will benefit the society through employment as the facility benefits from the services of the community members.[(Alzheimer Association. 2012. Treatments for Alzheimer's disease. May 24. Accessed April 28, 2016. /alzheimers_disease_treatments.asp.)]
Recreational Facilities
Recreational facilities are essential in the Alzheimer facility. Some of the patients might need recreational services such as swimming pools and playing grounds. A 100 square foot area should be dedicated to the swimming pool. Swimming pools are a source of relaxation for the patients. Not all the patients are at critical conditions, some of them are in good conditions, and they just need to remain occupied, and finally, they shall recover. These recreational facilities also might influence the interest of the patients as a form of attraction, and they will keep them occupied. Playing grounds are also significant, and they should be allocated. Such grounds for the elderly people include lawn tennis, table tennis, basketball, and badminton. They are indoor games. Thus, they shall be in a hall within the compound. These sports keep the patients occupied. Therefore, the patients are always busy and through occupation, they will recover from their mental illness. Other patients can be involved in watching the games instead of laying in their rooms idling. The games also can create the interaction opportunity for the patients as they try to overcome their mental illness. Interaction is very key to the individuals especially those who have behavioral problems can learn from other patients. To maximize the utilization of the grounds some of these facilities such as play rooms and swimming pool shall be created on storey building. These Facilities might utilize some of the space which is necessary therefore, it shall be a good utilization of resources on creating a storey building to accommodate some of these services.[(Lotter, J. M. 2012. "The Importance of Cultural Competency in Alzheimer." Master of Social Work Clinical Research Papers 5: 1-50)] [(AFTD. 2014. FACILITY CARE OPTIONS. February 13. Accessed April 28, 2016. /life-with-ftd/managing-health-care/residential-care-options.)] [(Maletic, V., and M. Robinson. 2007. "Neurobiology of depression: an integrated view of key findings." International Journal of Clinical Practice 61 (12): 2030–2040.)]
Another facility which should be created in this facility is a theatre room. The theatre room can be used for various services. The patients under rehabilitation can be taken there for watching plays and movies. Also, when there is a conference whereby there are a lot of people visiting, the room can be used to hold such meetings CITATION Ano10 \l 1033 (Anoop, et al. 2010). The theatre rooms can also be used, television rooms for the waiting relatives and also recovered patients who are yet to be released can stay there over the day and remain occupied. Theatre rooms can also be utilized as attendance center whenever there are high numbers reporting to the facility. It will increase the rate of admission and thus facilitate the efficiency of the facility.
Special Care Units
There are some of the Alzheimer patients who need a very keen healthcare plan; such units include care for the Alzheimer patients who are very weak and cannot do anything by themselves. A 900 square feet land shall be dedicated to the development of this facility. All in their life they depend on machines for their survival. The unit is always equipped with modern facilities which are very sensitive. It is one of the important sectors in the Alzheimer patient’s facility as it helps the helpless. The areas shall be under security both the day and night time. It shall accommodate the extreme patients for whom there is no expectation of recovering but upholding them to live longer. Apart from Alzheimer it will also cater to patients who are suffering from other dementia diseases. The facility will be made up of the individuals who are ready to facilitate care for the Alzheimer patients. This type of care requires dedication as they provide all sorts of care for the patients who are at a level that they can’t do anything to the patients. The individuals suffering from dementia are grouped in the same area and provided with care on the same facilities with no congestion.[(Medicine Network. 2015. Alzheimer's Disease Patient Caregiver Guide. March 12. Accessed April 28, 2016. /alzheimers_disease_patient_caregiver_guide/article.htm.)] [(Beach, T., S. Monsell, L. Phillis, and M. Kukull. 2012. "Accuracy of the Clinical Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease at National Institute on Aging Alzheimer's Disease Centers, 2005–2010." Journal of Neuropathol Expertise Neurology. 71 (4): 266–273.)]
Assisted Living Facility
It is one of the crucial services, especially for the patients who are not staying for a longer period within the care centers. The facility should consume a quarter of ...
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