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Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
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What Influences and Affects Intelligence Cooperation and Liaison Between the US and Other Countries?

Essay Instructions:

Your first assignment is to develop a general research question and a specific research question. You will identify three scholarly sources, and provide citations in correct Chicago Manual of Style/Turabian format.

Your research questions must initiate either an explanatory (why and how questions) or predictive (what will happen) study. Your topic must be relevant to the issues of interagency operations. If you are not sure if it is relevant to the course, please send me a message.

Next, please choose three sources that you will use for your research and provide citations for them. Your sources could be a book, journal article, newspaper article, study or some other type of material, but preferably they are scholarly in nature. Please determine whether you intend to use footnotes or "in text" citations in the body of your literature review and Final Paper. Either way is fine, but you need to ensure uniformity and follow the correct format according to the Chicago/Turabian style guide. Then provide the correct format for those same sources that you will use on your "References" or "Bibliography" page.

This assignment is intended to get you started on the research project, essentially writing the first section (I. Introduction) in which you lay out the general discussion of the topic, culminating in the research questions that you intend to answer. it is also intended to get you in the mode of using correct citation format. This is a gradable portion of the assignment in each of the three written assignments.

TIPS ON DEVELOPING A RESEARCH QUESTION: It is absolutely essential to develop a proper research question. Choose a topic that you are interested in so you can focus your energy and time most effectively. Also, consider what other subjects you are studying. Can you build on and enhance research you are doing for other courses? That is a smart way to maximize your research time, while deepening your knowledge about the subject area.

How do you develop a usable research question? First, choose an appropriate TOPIC OR ISSUE for your research, and one that actually can be researched. Then, think about the questions you would like answered yourself. Draft a question that is neither too broad nor too narrow. If you find a lot or few sources on your topic, then the scope is probably too broad. If there is no information on the topic, it might be too narrow. If you already know a lot about the topic, you can develop a research question based on your own knowledge.

You are assigned to produce both a general and specific research question, the first being broader in nature and the more specific question homing in on a specific element of the larger question. For example, researching a broad topic such as "bureaucratic cultures" is difficult since there may be hundreds of sources on all aspects of this topic. However, you might develop a general question such as "What are the primary elements of the bureaucratic culture within the Environmental Protection Agency?” and then tighten your focus to a much narrower question, like “How has the demographic background of the principals within the EPA influenced the Agency’s choice of issues to pursue?” Also, consider these practical points:

Is my general question too broad, too narrow, or okay (so I can develop the specific question from it)?

What types of sources will provide the information or data that I need to answer the questions

Can I access those sources?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

INTL 604
Research question: What influences and affects intelligence cooperation and liaison between the US and other countries?
One of the issues in interagency operations is assessing what influences intelligence cooperation and liaison between the US and other countries.. International cooperation is one way to deal effectively with threats posed at the global stage, such as terrorism, rather than responding from only the national perspective. To achieve this, there is increased focus on intelligence gathering cooperation and liaisons, which helps to coordinate international strategies to combat common threats. However, each country has allies whom they cooperate with and adversaries. At times, the US has had to share information with countries that do not fully embrace democratic ideals, such as Pakistan. Thus, intelligence cooperation and sharing among the key allies are closely linked to threats and interests.
The US and key allies such as and Canada and the UK have long shared intelligence and cooperated as political trust, and political regimes are open to intelligence cooperation. The UK-US transatlantic relations remain one of the longest and strongest, where geopolitics, culture, and similar foreign policy objectives have influence intelligence cooperation (Dittmer 2015). Diplomacy and foreign policy influence intelligence sharing and cooperation, and the extent to which the foreign policy apparatuses are willing to cooperate.  Governments more active in international diplomacy are more likely to support sharing intelligence with their allies, and the UKUSA influences foreign policies based on foreign policy participation and interests (Dittmer 2015).
Strong relations between agencies affect how they share intelligence and cooperate and how the agencies are structured. Newbery (2020) looked into intra- and inter-agency liaison roles in the UK in promoting intelligence coopera...
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