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Video Essay: Struggle and Conflicts between Nations

Essay Instructions:

To complete this assignment you will need to review the video at this link: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=Tp2B9cJ6MH0 Once you have viewed the video, you need to respond to TWO out of the FOUR listed essay questions. Your essay responses should pull from the video, BUT INCLUDE OTHER SOURCES. As you work to complete the essays below please be sure you judiciously incorporate references in order to 1) to give credit to the originator of the idea, 2) back up and enhance the accuracy of your claims, 3) point out bodies of research that inform your essay, and 4) help readers pursue their own line of research (Turabian 2013). A reference should appear at the end of each sentence where “you use any idea, data, or method attributable to any source you consulted” (Turabian 2013, 136). Turabian, Kate L. 2013. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students & Researchers. 8th ed. The University Press.

As you proofread your assignment I encourage you to work with Belcher, Wendy Laura. 2009. "Editing Your Sentences" In Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success. Sage. This resource has a nice step by step process for enhancing your writing.

Each essay response should each be 3 pages single-spaced in length (including references -- NO COVER SHEET IS NEEDED) and follow Turabian formatting. This includes 1-inch margins on all 4 sides, the use of times new roman 12-point font.

For more information on Turabian formatting please see "Appendix: Paper Format and Submission" within either the 7th or 8th edition of the Turabian writing manual.

Essay Prompts:

1. The video underscored the significance of open communication and mutual respect to peace. When looking at Secretary Perry’s speech in totality, and based on your additional research, what were the key steps taken to build relations with Russia post-Cold-War, and what caused the decrease in relations since? Pick the leading indicators of decreasing US/Russian relations and discuss what indicators of a diminishing relationship intelligence should have noted.

2. Secretary Perry addresses many indicators that Russia remains a failing economy and highlights Russian actions to divert attention from these failures. Despite the failings, Russia continues to take aggressive actions that, in the words of Secretary Perry, may cause them to “blunder into a conflict.” What steps have we seen Russia take since this speech was given that support this assessment? Does Russia seem to be improving in domestic aspects, or do we continue to see Russia struggle and create screens to hide such issues, and what should intelligence analysts be looking for as indicators?

3. In totality, things have changed since Secretary Perry delivered this speech almost four years ago. Review his main points and concerns and identify if actions by these countries (Russia, China, North Korea, Iran…) since this speech have supported Secretary Perry’s assessments, or have they disproved his ideas? How so? Use other sources and literature to discuss this.

4. Select one country (other than Russia) discussed by Secretary Perry and either defend or refute his position on that country using other sources. What bias or preconceived ideas on that country may prevent analysts and policymakers from seeing these actions in light of what you have discussed?

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May 25, 2021
INTL 508 Video Essay
Humans are such a unique race that we stand head and shoulders above all other species on the planet. We also produced an innumerable number of things that can improve our lives, but some of those things still pose a significant danger to a nation's overall security. Nuclear energy, for example, is a great and efficient way to produce electrical energy that can sustain a nation's electrical needs of energy; nuclear energy also provides security into a nation's territory by means of nuclear weapons. These nuclear weapons provide a great sense of security to the citizens of a nation but propose a significant threat to other nations. As nations continuing to provide national security for its citizen, nuclear energy becomes more common because it offers a lot of destructive and, at the same time, helpful energy. Today the country that uses the most nuclear energy for its national security is the one that will most likely win a war. In this paper, the author will review the video William J. Perry discussing national security around the world and answer some given questions.
Struggle and Conflicts between Nations
As Mr. Perry's book said in the video titled "William J. Perry: A National Security Walk Around the World," in his journey to calculate the plausibility of a defensive system against a nuclear attack did not teach him to create one but instead realizes that there is no acceptable defense in opposition to the destructive power of a mass nuclear attack, and the only reasonable defense is to prevent the actual attack from ever happening, which very wise of him because war is not the solution in a nation's conflict with others.
The video was made four years ago, and a lot has changed since then, including how we survive as a result of the corona virus's unexpected spread (COVID 19). In his video comments, he carefully discussed how the US and Russia collaborated to dispose of nuclear weapons at the time. He mainly focuses on the nation's defense and nuclear advantage of numerous countries around the world. His main concerns are that if the conflict between two nations arises, to the point where talking formally is not an option anymore, weapons of mass destruction will destroy each other nations. These weapons of destruction will definitely cause death and make the nation's citizens' lives worse.
The actions of these countries, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and others, remain normal. Each country continues to treat others the same as they always do. Of course, avoiding any conflict is the best way to eliminate any threat from other countries. Today the relation between the US and Russia is not so significant. In fact, it is worse than it is since 1985. According to, Russia has been a toxic domestic problem in a way it has not been since the 1950s, thanks to Moscow's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election and what seems to be ongoing efforts to influence the 2020 election race. The next mention China, well China is such a vast nation, and huge nation usually focuses on fortifying their national borders. Mr. Perry is very accurate in his statement that China is making a move. They have been spotted by a satellite making an artificial island at the Scarborough Shoal, which is obviously preparation for an unexpected war. According to an article made by Lam (2020) on the South China Morning post website, less than a month after taking office in 2012, Xi set out his plan to create a large army. Eight years later, the party announced its proposal to create a "completely modernized army" by 2027, the year the PLA celebrates its centennial, at a policy meeting in October. According to experts, the real aim is to create a military that is equal to those of the United States, the world's most successful combat machine. However, they say that there is still a long way to go. In addition to this, the author said Beijing's new strategy calls for accelerated military modernization and emphasizes the urgent need to strengthen the PLA's organizational positioning to protect China's sovereignty, stability, and development priorities. The Chinese government might not be preparing for war but instead just making sure its national border is safe.
Further into the video, Mr. Perry talks about North Korea and its nuclear advancement. North has been focusing its government on making its defenses strong to protect its citizens from any attack. Their actions prove its advancement in the weapon according to an article written by Albert (2020), short-, medium-, long-, and intercontinental-range missiles, as well as nuclear sub ballistic missiles, have all been studied by the mentioned nation, per the different reports by analysts, Pyongyang may have between twenty and sixty nuclear arms assembled. According to US intelligence officials, North Korea will ha...
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