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Investigative essay about the game World of Warcraft

Essay Instructions:

Please write an investigative essay about the game World of Warcraft.

There are many topics to research in the game. Especially, topics about players' behavior in the game are good. For example, firstly, players’ personalities based on their character creation process. Secondly, how players operate and manage their guilds . Thirdly, how the economic and business system work in the game. Also there are topics about gender, game addiction, social science and psychology.

I have collected some sources. Please read through and use them to help you write the essay. Also feel free to use other sources online to write the essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Game World of Warcraft
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Game World of Warcraft
In games like World of Warcraft, the characters encourage players to behave in the game world and communicate with others. There are different experiences that people get through the platform and inform how people engage with other players or build their players. There are several forms of meaning that are generated by the characters. The meanings include issues such as connectivity, recollection, happiness, relationship representations, recollection, happiness, and usefulness. Moreover, there an aspect of value that leads to experience, sociability, imagination, and self-expression. The characters in the game provide human players with multiple items in a virtual environment with multiple layers. The persona, also known as an avatar, assists in connecting individuals with other characters and players. The avatar is the entity that represents the person within the game. In this regard, there is a way these characters connect with each other, and eventually the player. Through the virtual environment, the avatar represents the actual persons. Every action that the avatar does is based on the will action of the player, and through the avatar, players are able to understand how the Warcraft world operates.
Consequently, in terms of personality and depictions of self, characters, and other types of online representation have long been researched. Scientists have looked at several topics in this field include the portrayal of multiple facets of the personality of a player, the discovery of identity, deception, gender stereotypes and 'gender-bending, race and gender in character construction, role-play, the creation of group identity, and the presentation of ideal self via characters (Rapp, 2018). The characters can be expressly created to explore the content of games or play with others. In some instances, players speak about their feelings in words that imply greater distance, such as possessions or chess pieces.
Character importance can be an essential element in a player's gaming experience, hence in a game's overall success. There are investigations performed with the aim of understanding how the WoW participants developed these relationships as well as appreciate the range of these meaningful relationships (Reer, 2017). There numerous types of benefits that WoW characters can give to players based on the outcome of the study. These benefits include utility, investment, communication, memory, enjoyment, partnership, and new experience. Utility explains the usefulness of certain characters, in spite of what they do. There are certain tasks that these characters can perform and b...
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