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Electrical Engineer And ICT Manager Job Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Write about why Starbucks can succeed in the world, and then analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the operating model, the impact of the discovery of carcinogenic substances on Starbucks; then write the employees' working treatment from a microscopic perspective, and the customers' feelings and attitude towards Starbucks. The other content is a bit better written in Yujiba.

The Open Source Revolution

Midterm Thesis Paper Prompt

Now that you have considered the change in the American economy from industrial approaches and values to the less stable vagaries of our post-industrial age, it's time to take the ideas you have learned and apply them to the real world – and, more importantly, the real workers who occupy it. Using your knowledge of our readings and our class discussions thus far, provide a 5-6 page analysis of two in-person interviews. Choose people with jobs that interest you personally and professionally. Provide transcripts of the interviews in your appendix. Divide your paper into the following sections: (1) describe each job in terms of its occupation and industry, (2) the work structures that have shaped this job historically (meaning: provide the general history of the job beyond this individual), and (3) how their job and labor has changed in the digital economy. You will be graded on clarity of writing (20%), an organization of your points (20%), and analysis (60%). Provide an introduction and conclusion to your paper showing that you have evaluated a thesis and works cited page that cites our course readings where applicable. (No “outside” citations are necessary.) The paper will be due at the beginning of class on March 21st, 2018.

• If you wish to do a different kind of project or hybrid that communicates the above ideas, please send me a proposal by March 9th, 2018. Do not start your project until you get approval.

• If you are unsure how to proceed with an interview, feel free to ask me for pointers via e-mail or before/after class. That said, some pro tips: Keep things conversational, let your curiosity guide you, and remember that are pursuing an “angle” – in this case, the three sections described above. People like to talk about themselves and, even more, people tend to respond reflexively to direct questions. Go in with the humility of someone who just wants to learn about another human being and the confidence of someone who has some worthwhile things to discuss.

• Make sure you have a thesis – that is, an argument, preferably stated at the end of the first paragraph. This essay should synthesize things you have learned from both of your subjects and present a larger perspective on how the digital economy has affected work in general as well as each subject's job specifically.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
     ELECTRICAL ENGINEER AND ICT MANAGER JOB ANALYSIS                   Name Class Date     Introduction             America has gained popularity as an industrial giant since the end of the Civil War through the expansion of several industries and the construction of new ones. The growth of these industries led to a transformation in America’s society by giving rise to a new group of ambitious middle class and rich industrialists. A large number of immigrant made up the labor force that made industrialization successful. The changes in technology over the years has dramatically impacted the working conditions in most industries as the need to adopt these advancements has forced workers to change the way they live and work. However, although the process of utilizing technology in sectors was hectic, especially for the workers, the changes have significantly improved working conditions and continue to grow until today. Industries such as engineering and ICT greatly depend on technology to conduct their work effectively and efficiently. The use of modern equipment in testing, monitoring, and troubleshooting in the engineering sector has eased up the task of electrical engineers. Modern gadgets have also been of great use in ICT due to their fast and reliable means of storing, retrieving, analyzing and transferring information. Based on its reliability and usefulness in electrical engineering and ICT, technology has proven to be an essential advancement in the industrial age. However, the constant improvements in the digital economy have forced engineers and ICT professionals to be continually up to date with the latest technology to remain productive in the industry.  Electrical Engineer             Electrical engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on electrical technology. Electrical engineers deal with huge power stations, systems, and devices, as well as a variety of components including tiny microchips. The work of electrical engineers is to supervise, test develop and design electrical equipment such as navigation systems, power generation equipment, radar, and electric motors. Through the use of components such as switches, transistors, capacitors, magnets, coils, and conductors, engineers can design complex electrical systems and devices. These essential components are found in nearly all electronic devices.              Electrical engineers are employed in industries such as manufacturing, firms that provide engineering services, development industries, and the federal government as well. Although most of the work done by electrical engineers is indoors, circumstances might lead them into visiting the sites once in a while. Military, national laboratories and transportation departments are examples of government institutions that require electrical engineers. In the manufacturing industry, electrical engineers are employed in traffic controls, telecommunications, marine and automotive, among others. The Work structures that have shaped Electrical Engineering             The central concept of electrical engineering is to turn ideas into a reality. Early electrical experiments dated back to the 19th century and involved the use of static charges and primitive batteries. The implementation of the laws of induction by Michael Faraday gave way to the construction of more useful devices such as the electric motor and generators which are in use today. Pioneers such as Thomas Edison, who invented the light bulb and Philo T, the inventor of the television, made it possible for the introduction of electricity to industries and homes. Michael Faraday’s laws are the basis of electrical engineering since most electrical devices are designed using these laws.  Changes in the Electrical Engineering with Regards to the Digital Economy             The data-driven and digitized economy has led to a constant change in the industry, which electrical engineers need to deal with on a regular basis. Employers in different sectors are looking to hire electrical engineers with extensive knowledge in fields such as computer programming, artificial intelligence, and computer coding. The digital economy has triggered the need to engage professionals with such expertise. The growing digital economy enables consumers to gain more information regarding products as well as interact with the manufacturers to gather information. Therefore, industries feel the need to employ electrical engineers who can develop highly automated systems and intelligent devices that can collect information from customers and create improved products thereby enhancing customer interactions. This approach by industries has forced electrical engineers to develop other skills apart from their profession to compete in the job market. Nonetheless, engineers who already have the skills required by most industries are advantaged since they are valuable to businesses and therefore their salaries and allowances are high. However, experience is required for electrical engineers to earn a position in the competitive industry and this has led to fewer job opportunities for newly graduated electrical engineers. ICT Professionals              ICT professionals play an important role in organizations. Their work is to coordinate, plan and control the purchasing, use, development, and maintenance of telecommunication systems and computers within the company. Although most ICT professionals are employed in the ICT sector, a large number of these individuals are also engaged in other industries as well, including manufacturing, energy, food industry, health, hospitality and mass media. The Work structures that have shaped ICT Professionals             Information technology dates back to the 1940s, when the military conducted significant research on improvements on machines that would replace human resources. During the 1950s ICT led to the development of the four computer generations and eventually, advancements in artificial intelligence. The introduction of microcomputers in 1975 also gave way to the development of the first personal computer by IBM. The usefulness of computers in processing information has enabled it to gain popularity in industries. Nowadays devices such as supercomputers and scanners are useful in the science and medicine departments in conducting their daily operations. ICT professionals play an essential role in maintaining these devices and updating them to ensure they are efficient and reliable. Changes in the ICT with Regards to the Digital Ec...
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