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The Media and the Senses

Essay Instructions:
Writing Assignment #1: Bringing Theories & Concepts to Bear Upon Your Encounter with a Work of Art This writing assignment asks you to take what you have learned during the first 5 weeks of the course and use it to engage with the current exhibition at the Blackwood Gallery, and to write a paper that makes connections between one or more of the works in the exhibition and one or more of the concepts/ keywords and readings from the course. Your paper should demonstrate the ways in which the knowledge that you have gained thus far in the course, can be applied to your encounter with actual works of art and other forms of visual culture. It also gives you an opportunity to use the skills of analysis, interpretation, critique, citation and persuasive argumentation in writing, that you have been developing in the weekly Tutorials and Writing Classes. Use the following reading assignments (and perhaps one or more key quotations) and at least one of the keywords/concepts, in order to organize your paper and focus its discussion/argument. Reading Assignment: Caroline A. Jones, “Senses,” in, Critical Terms for Media Studies, edited by WJT Mitchell and Hansen (Chicago, 2010). Keywords: Senses Touch Invisible Imperceptible Medium Mediation Medium-specificity Technical support Style The paper is due at the start of your tutorial session on February 13th (please submit a hard copy to your TA as well as an electronic version to Turnitin web site). It should be approximately 3 pages long, 1.5 line spacing, proofread for spelling and grammar, and properly cited using the Chicago style. Blackwood Gallary Art work: Untitled (Headset)«, 2007. A pair of headphones is altered so that one earpiece becomes a microphone, picking up its own sound from the speaker and creating a continuous feedback loop, which is disrupted by attempts to listen closer. Nothing (for Robert Barry)«, 2007 (Power-bar, electronic pest control devices) by Dave Dyment.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Critical terms for media studies are not just a collection of criticism terms, but it is a paradigm shifting the media field. It stands for the extreme importance in approaching the media in the twentieth century. This will bring about the increased relevant ubiquity of the modern technology and media making the issues it raises more pressing. Film, media, philosophy, digital culture and communications are the straddles of the fields and the disciplines that produce intuitive and rigorous vocabulary. In the book mentioned above, the concepts of art and modern media are in discussion, defining and redefining what the new hybrid of media and technology in arts aims at. This illuminates the major concepts behind the sociological systems and the most vibrant topics. In the past several weeks in class, we discussed various concepts in relation to how art and the modern media relate to the society. Such concepts included the body, materiality, image and the senses. The black wood gallery provides several artworks for discussion but in our case, two artifacts are in consideration in order to discuss the concept of senses and the media in relation to the society. The artifacts selected are by Dave Dyment 1 is untitled (headset) in the year 2007 and the other is nothing (for Robert Barry) in the year 2007.
Should sight outdo the other senses where experiencing and evaluating art is concerned? The role of understanding art is an area that intrigues. When it comes to senses we have some other concepts such as the touch, invisible, medium, mediation, imperceptible, style, technical support, imperceptible and medium specificity. Therefore, in this paper are the major concepts relating to the materials mentioned above and with the use of the two artworks from the black wood gallery.
Senses are the first medium by which consciousness must contend and they constitute the human sense of the un-intervened knowledge. As argued by the media theorists senses are as an effect of media. In addition, the mediating technologies are human extensions. Art would take several aspects. Some of which would require touch in order to identify and relate with the artifact and in order to get the message from the artwork. Some artifacts are systems that represent media. For example, in the pet control system for Barry by Dave Dyment in the black wood gallery is a system that is useful in controlling pests. In order for this to happen, the pests have to feel the effects of th...
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