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Simon leung raises the issue of sovereignty

Essay Instructions:
This writing assignment asks you to explore the relations and connections, distinctions and alterations between contemporary artistic and theoretical practice. The paper will draw upon the documented work and lecture presentation of Visiting Artist/Theorist Simon Leung, and the lectures and several of the concepts/keywords and readings in the second half of the course. Choose one of the following questions and write a paper in response Notice the keywords that are listed on the first page of Simon Leung's article. Some of these have been encountered in other course lectures and readings, and one or more appear in the questions listed below. “Body,” “squatting,” and “violence” are assumed to be present in, and pertinent to all of the five questions. 1. Discuss how Simon Leung understands the relation between bodies, techniques, and technology, including the theoretical sources that he draws upon. Then explain how squatting is, in Leung's words, “a counter-technology of resistance.” 2. Simon Leung raises the issue of sovereignty, which is a topic that we have encountered previously, in particular in Professor Sutherland's lectures. Explain how Leung's thinking and practice is an attempt to rethink and resist conventional notions of sovereignty, especially in the relation between the sovereignty and the body, including in terms provided by the French thinker Georges Bataille. Keywords: sovereignty, abjection. 3. How does Leung's “squatting” project engage with, intervene in and disrupt, notions and instances of spectacle, participation, representation, public, society, and the body? Some keywords here are: displacement, aliens, and uncanny. 4. What are the multiple meanings of “squatting” that are outlined and discussed in the article, and what are the social, cultural and political consequences of these meanings? 5. Simon Leung's article is included in a collection of essays titled, Global Visual Studies: An Anthology. How does his art, work and writing engage with issues of “global visual studies,” and further, how does this require to shift our thinking about visual studies from the North American/West context in which it has been predominantly located in this course, to a more global context? Notes: 1. Simon Leung did a lecture to us on last week, the professor says we need to mention some content from lecture in the essay, I attached the recording of the lecture at the bottom 2. I also attached Sutherland's lecture slides below
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Simon Leung
In the era of globalization, the major issue of sovereignty remains a key factor. This is because no country can stand on its own and will rely on each other. In this regard, the countries must be able to determine how much they rely on others. As a fact recent happening such as the US attacks on Afghanistan and the killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan without the knowledge of authorities remains a key concern on how to protect the integrity of the borders. Indeed, how do we co-exist while other violates the right of sovereignty? The United Nation at times remains mum on the issue of integrity and only gives regulations on when a country can intervene when attacked. On the other hand, social behavior and practices knows no boundaries. This has resulted to culture change and common practice world over.
A major example can be the social sites that promote communication and interactions; people on facebook, twitter, linkedin, and HI5 will connect socially and share their culture. The Simon Leung is quite diversified on sovereignty he deviates from the view and concept of standing alone without any external interference from other countries to acquiring satisfaction in society. The need to keep borders intact and self governance as a major value is of major interest. According to Akers, (n.d.) in the article “Simon Leung: The Surface of the Earth” he made a significant artwork on the Vietnam American war in the 1990s; he termed the work as “the residual space of the Vietnam/American War”. This would mean that he wanted to highlight the issue of sovereignty and enlighten people on basic factors that may be overlooked. He quotes “The term “residual space”, in Leung’s words, “evokes a sense of a remainder—the physically repressed that is bound to return.” In each of these projects—comprising video, performance, and a variety of other media—the artist explores the legacy of violence and displacement generated by the Vietnam War, as well as the disparate identities forged by war”.
His other works “Involving installation, performance, and a variety of media” takes a look at violence and its residual effect and aftermaths after the war. Through film, writing, visual art, music and performance he is able to deliver the message of politics and how it affects society in the many areas that matter. He creates an image of spectacle where the society is represented through a visual image. Such include the photos of dynasties and kingdoms that are recognized globally. Through such issues society is able to adopt certain values which run simultaneously with the social life and present a tool that unifies all of them. Simon Leung argues on the basis of globalization where he depicts society as a single unit and unified by the various diversities. However this can be refuted by the fact that differences will in turn result to separation since it creates false consciousness. In the modern world, the issues of sovereignty shifts from the fighting to controlling society practices and norms in different areas.
Without a doubt, the media knows no sovereignty this is because it is intended to get in touch with a large audience all at once. It goes beyond borders and the news occurring in any part will be broadcasted throughout the world. The programs aired also reach the same audience thereby educating, entertaining and informing the audience equally. People will read the news, watch TV, listen to radio and go to cinemas with the same themes world over. The sales of a single film will reach platinum from selling globally and hence the aspect of sovereignty in information will never arise. Certainly, if any people are not exposed to such they will seek to reinstate their right to information. The royal wedding was watched by billions of viewers globally and programs such as Jersey Shore, Jack the Giant Slayer, the real housewives of Vancouver, Laguna Beach, thrilling fans world over.
This then necessitates the issues of popular culture also known as pop culture. It creates a cel...
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