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Presence of Water in Architecture

Essay Instructions:

summarize and compare the differences the part one and part two.

Referring to your buildings or sites, explain how they reflect the theme by discussing specifics life the floor plan, location, ornament or signage, materials, etc. What are the similarities and differences between your buildings? Or, how does each building or site reflect the theme and show another dimension of it?

Find 2 additional resources at the library (scholarly journals and/or books) to expand your ideas about the theme. Make sure to also note the bibliographic information with page numbers.

Write a 5-page essay (double spaced, 12-point front) providing a personal reflection on how your architectural examples reflect your theme. Bring in personal ideas and observations, as well as the ideas ( and facts) you learned from doing research.

Theme: Water has been used as an essential element in architectural design in diverse means. The relationship between water and design of buildings before 1800 can be generally analyzed to religions purposes, security purposes, cultivate supporter, symbol of wealth and so on. Base on the differences of geographical location and cultural background, the ways of use are contrasting. There are five symbolic architectures I selected, each represents a style of use of water in architecture.

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Presence of Water in Architecture
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Presence of Water in Architecture
Water has been used as an essential element in architectural design in diverse means. The relationship between water and design of buildings can generally be linked to various purposes, including religious purposes, security purposes, aesthetic purposes, a symbol of wealth, and so on. Based on the differences in geographical location and cultural backgrounds, how water has been used in different architectural designs vary. For this assignment, I have selected five symbolic architecture designs, each representing a style of use of water in architecture.
Taj Mahal is one of the most iconic architectures in the world and a masterpiece of the Indian Muslim artistic expertise. It is built in an Indian city of Agra between 1632 – 1643 AD. Ustad Ahmed Lahori is the architect of Taj Mahal. According to the traditional belief of Muslim, on the Day of Judgement, people will be thirsty, and Muhammad will be the one who gets the privilege of God to offer them drink to quench their thirst from the channel as known as the pond of abundance. Thus, the purpose of a water tank in the Muslim tradition is to represent their religious belief.[Symmes, Marilyn F., 1998. Fountains. 3rd ed. New York: Thames and Hudson in association with Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum]
Taj Mahal is the largest and the earliest tomb, but its architectural design and shape make it be one of the most beautiful structure in a romantic and a serene environment. The water pond is made of milk marble skin, which gives the aesthetic design that it posses. Also, the floral shaped walls on the water pond add to its beauty. Apart from the aesthetic value of the floral shaped design of the walls of the Taj Mahal pond, this architectural design helps to strengthen the walls of the water pond. These waterways were originally built in the Persian gardens so that they can provide irrigation to the garden. They also have a spiritual significance as they a representative of the four rivers of paradise found in the Qulan.[Alihodzic, Rifat, Vera Murgul, and Nikolay Latin. 2014. "A Relation Between Function And Architectural Form In The Observers Perception." Applied Mechanics And Materials680: 494-498. doi:10.4028//amm.680.494.]
The Forbidden City was constructed from 1406 to 1420 as a Chinese imperial palace during the Ming dynasty. A representation of the traditional Chinese Architecture, The Forbidden City, is located in central Beijing and Kuai Xiang designed the expansive complex. There is the Golden Water River, a man-made river that runs through the Forbidden City. Water has two vital uses in the Forbidden City. First, water was used to add beauty to the city while the second importance was to act as a water reservoir in case of a fire outbreak. That follows that the architectural structure was protected from the threat of destruction by fire through the use of water from the golden water river.[Symmes, Marilyn F., 1998. Fountains. 3rd ed. New York: Thames and Hudson in association with Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.] [Gao, Jie. "Symbolism in the Forbidden City." Education About ASIA 21, no. 3, (2016). Retrieved from: http://aas2.asian-studies.org/EAA/EAA-Archives/21/3/1438.pdf]
The Khafaie was built during 2650 BCE in Mesopotamia. The city was built along the river to support agricultural activities of the inhabitants. Building The Khafaie along the river served the purpose to provide water to the community and support agricultural activities. The Khafaie was also well connected with major rivers, which made it easy for navigation. Merchants could easily use the canoes and boats to move from one point to another.the presence of navigable rivers, and excess agricultural produce led to the rise of trade as an economic activity. Apart from the economic activities which emerged as a result of many rivers which ran across the land, the waterfalls provided beautiful sceneries in Khafaie city. These places provided refreshment to the people who lived in Khafaie.[Symmes, Marilyn F., 1998. Fountains. 3rd ed. New York: Thames and Hudson in association with Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.]
Emperor Hadrian built Hadrian's Villa in 125 CE. The vast Roman archaeological site is located in Tivoli, Italy. The location has an abundance of water and is one of the reasons Emperor Hadrian chose it for the construction of the villa. Fountains and pools in the Hadrian’s Villa are used as decoration and symbol of wealth. There were also man-made pools and baths in the Hadrian villa which provided water for the plants and animals in this garden. The architectural design of this garden provides systems for collecting water since water is an essential part of life, and the Romans understood that survival was dependent on the availability of water. That generally means that water was used to give an aesthetic value to the Hadrian villa since the flowers and plants decorated the place. The livestock also watered from these rivers and ponds. Furthermore, water collected in the designated places attracted different kind of birds in the garden such as doves, nightingales, and blackbirds, which added beauty to the gardens. The purpose of the large man-made bath...
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