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Museum Review: Head Wreath in Ukraine

Essay Instructions:


When, where, and by whom was the object created?

What other circumstances are known about it? (Provenance etc.)

How was it used? (to record, illustrate, persuade, beautify, or redefine reality)

Where was it used? (public/private spheres, sacred/secular places, courts, temples, homes)


What are the visual characteristics? (line, color, lightness/darkness, shape texture, space, size)

What materials and techniques were used?

How is the art object decorated or arranged?

What visual devices (or principles of composition) are used?

a. relationship of part to whole (harmony, variety, coherence)

b. relationship of part to part (balance, contrast, dominance/focus, movement, proportion/scale, rhythm/repetition, elaboration


What images does the object show?

What feelings are depicted?

What symbols are used? How are they reflective of social behavior, religious belief, and other values?


Why does the object look like it does?

What does the object tell us about the artist and culture that produced it?

What purpose(s) did it have?

How do its forms and imagery compared to those of other related objects?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Museum Review Student Name Subject Teacher Name Date Head Wreath in Ukraine Facts When, where, and by whom was the object created? The scholars who study Ukrainian mythology argue that this object was created when the practice to celebrate the day of Ivon Kupala started. This sort of celebration (which is common in Poland and Germany as well) takes place when the nights are shortest, and it is related to the summer solstice. With this, the place and the artist remain a mystery to this point. What other circumstances are known about it? The earliest origins of a head wreath in Ukraine can be traced back to ancient times. Some historians believe that it was used even before Christianity. How was it used? The head wreath is considered to be a very important object in Ukranian culture and is worn by young girls who are coming to the age of marriage. It is used as to beautify object. Where was it used? The head wreath holds a traditional value in Ukranian culture and is used widely at home and in both public-private spheres. Form What are the visual characteristics? It is usually in circular shape just like a cap to be worn on the head. Covered with multicolored cloth decorated with pendants and bead and at the very top, it has flowers. Various vertical shaped rows of printed rows are attached to the backside of the head cap. What materials and techniques were used? Different kind of, but of great quality, the cloth is used to make it. It has pendants, beads, and flowers as its core material. The head wreath is part handmade and part is sown. How is the art object decorated or arranged? It is usually in circular shape just like the cap to be worn on the head. Covered with multicolored cloth decorated with pendants and bead and at the very top, it has flowers. Various vertical shaped rows of printed rows are attached to the backside of the head ca...
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