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The Concept Of Objectivity About Its Importance To Course Themes

Essay Instructions:

2018 VAH1042A – Art, Science and Technology – Take Home Test

Assignment topic: To consider the concept of ‘Objectivity’ in relation to its importance to course themes.

Due: beginning of lecture November 22/18 Worth: 20% of final grade

Length: 4 – 5 pages or 1000 - 1250 words

Formal requirements: Formatting – Size 12 font, Times New Roman, double-spaced throughout; cover page with student name and number, TA name and group number, title of essay, date, course and instructor name; please place bibliography on separate page (note: neither cover page nor bibliography page are considered part of the page/word count); Chicago documentation style with all references to the texts and/or podcast cited properly (quoted material is

not considered part of the page/word count).

Please consult the Chicago Style Guidelines on our OWL site when documenting your paper. If you have further questions regarding how to document, contact your TA, or go to the Western Libraries site (also linked on our OWL course site). You will be using this documentation style throughout your academic career so any time invested now in becoming familiar with how to do this will hold you in good stead as move through your upper year studies.

As I covered when I reviewed the assignment requirements at the end of Week 10’s lecture presentation, you are asked to work closely with two course resources:

• (1) each of you will work with the assigned reading from Week 4, Daston and Galison, “Preface” and “Prologue” from the text Objectivity.

...and (2), in addition to the above reading you can choose to work with either one or the other of the following:

o assigned reading from Week 7, Walter Benjamin’s “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”


o podcast introduced in Week 1, our first lecture of the course, Ibn Tufayl’s philosophical tale Hayy Ibn Yaqzān

To be successful in your consideration of the importance of the concept of ‘objectivity’ in art, science and technology, you will necessarily want to consult your lecture notes, the assigned readings and your online activity responses to those readings, as well as the lecture presentation PDFs that are your guide to what the lectures covered. In particular you will want to review materials associated with the overview I provided at the end of last week’s lecture presentation (Week 10), and to the materials associated with Weeks 4 and 7.

Good luck as you work with the assignment. Each of your TAs are available during their regular TA hours this week, as well as during the usual two hours of our lecture time on Thursday, 2:30 – 4:30pm. Please take advantage of the extended TA hours for consultation if you have questions or concerns as you work on your take-home.

Thank you. Prof. James

go with https://owl(dot)uwo(dot)ca/portal Point site to find vah 1042 and then click in Can be found in resources take home test guideline Information about this essay and then in resources Required Course Readingsturn up assigned reading from Week 4, Daston and Galison, “Preface” and “Prologue” from the text Objectivity.

...and (2), in addition to the above reading you can choose to work with either one or the other of the following:

o assigned reading from Week 7, Walter Benjamin’s “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student`s name and number,
TA name and group number,
Title of the essay: Objectivity
Instructor name
Assignment topic: To consider the concept of ‘Objectivity’ about its importance to course themes.
Objectivity is more like an escape from a perspective where one uses scientific deduction flawlessly without letting personal opinions influence their judgment, where there are no biases. Scientific objectivity is useful in the art scene and science provides insights on how to judge the sources of evidence objectively. Mechanical objectivity, in the nineteenth century, was based on the use of instruments and measurements in artwork to record exact samples, with skilled assessments playing a more important role than ever before. Even in the case of critical objectivity, one does not need to be an expert, so long as one gets their facts rights. Objectivity has gone through historical transformations, but it is linked to neutrality, consistency, impartiality, and consistency.
Daston and Galison looked highlighted that science imaging influenced representations of images and virtual perceptions as is the case of Worthington making droplet splashes and splashes that are then captured in drawing or photos. Worthington made sketches about the supposed symmetrical splash patterns from the images he captured, but he ignored the asymmetrical and irregular splashes and produced the idealized symmetrical splashes. Despite using machines, the observer may make wrong conclusions if they are biased and less objective. The mind of an observer may influence them to conclude without looking at all the factors, yet intellectual impartiality is prioritized to support objectivity.
The meaning of objectivity has also changed over time, and Daston and Galison pointed out that objectivity is a safeguard of authenticity in scientific knowledge, which emerged in the nineteenth century, and is a relatively recent invention. For instance, the nineteenth-century botanists and zoologists made illustrations to record new plants and animals that they selected for the illustrated specimen the characteristics that seemed to them the most distinctive of the features of the species and characteristics that they recorded for many specimens. Objectivity represented the idealization of reality that was then interpreted. However, photography and other methods developed made it easier to collect information automatically, without requiring human intervention, but also following strict protocols when there was mechanical recording. Photographic objectivity represents the eternal reality and reproducing an image, but sometimes also includes manufactured images of the reality.
The scientists have to choose whether to focus on accurate representation, even as there are both political and social dimensions of objectivity. The use of scientific instruments is more common in science and technology, but determine what is objective in the arts is more objective when there is no exact parameter to evaluate accuracy and objectivity. However, merely using scientific instruments do not that there is consensus on the meaning of the ideal of objectivity in science. In any case, even when there were scientific images there was still a reliance on skilled manipulation, yet to maintain neutrality, it is required that there is non-interference in image-making. Despite relying on what may be considered scientific and objective criteria cultural practices influence interpretation like in Worthington’s experiments.
Differences in scientific identity over time have meant that they have been differen...
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