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Architectural Elements That Are Used to Construct Roofs Arts Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please follow the instructions I uploaded and write the one long question. No outside sources should be used and cited in the essay, but you could research and read some outside sources if needed. Please find all the files here https://dropmefiles(dot)com/E1Pck Please use Chicago style for citations! Thank you!


Early Renaissance: Multi-Media

Brunelleschi’s Dome


One of the first moments in the Early Italian Renaissance was the invention and construction of Brunelleschi’s Dome on the Santa Maria Del Fiore Cathedral, in Florence.


The dome was completed in 1436 by Brunelleschi, an amateur architect with no significant building projects to his name.


The construction and production of the Dome remained one of the largest engineering mysteries in history. Brunalleschi left no notes or evidence of how he constructed it, and the architectural challenges surounding it where immense.




Please watch “How an Amateur Built the World’s Biggest Dome –



Then read the follow up article “Double Helix of Masonry” detailing the architectural discoveries that scholars at Princeton University recently made.




VPHA46 - At Home Term Test Test. Term test format: - 3 Essay Questions (2 Short Answer + 1 Long Answer). - Your answers should be unique to you. They should not be discussed with friends or others in the class. All answers will be sent through Turnitin.com, it will flag similarities between submissions. - Answer the questions in full sentences with proper grammar and spelling. ** Font must be Times New Roman, 12 point, 1 inch margins, 1.5 inch spacing ** - No outside sources should be used, please use your textbook, modules and lecture notes only. Submission guidelines: Please upload your responses in a single Microsoft word or PDF file ONLY. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have uploaded the correct file (blank files or wrong files will be docked at the 5% late penalty per day). Please answer the following 2 short answer questions (1 page per question): 1. Compare and contrast how political power is portrayed in the mosaic of Emperor Justinian and his Attendants, North sanctuary wall of the church of San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy, c. 547 to the Mausoleum of Shihuangdi, Qin Dynasty c. 210 BCE 2. Compare and contrast the ways artists have rendered the body in Polykleitos’, Spear Bearer, 450- 440 BCE and Donatello’s David, 1408. Please discuss the stylistic choices each artist has made and how this influences the larger social, political or cultural meaning of the work. Please answer the following 1 long answer question (2 pages): 1. Throughout the term we have looked at various constructions for spanning space. From the rudimentary post and lintel system to Brunelleschi’s helix dome, architects have always looked for new and innovative ways to create roofs, coverings and other openings. Please select 3 architectural elements that are used to construct roofs, coverings or openings, and discuss the significance of their construction. Please draw upon 3-4 examples of structures that utilize these elements and how these construction techniques shaped the overall purpose of the buildings.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Visual Analysis
Architectural Elements That Are Used to Construct Roofs, Coverings, Or Openings
The building of Florentine Duomo by Filippo Brunelleschi was one of the most outstanding building roofs and domes. It took more than 16 years to complete the dome's construction, one of the most excellent masterpieces in the history of dome construction.
Throughout the term, we have looked at various constructions for spanning space. From the
rudimentary post and lintel system to Brunelleschi's helix dome, architects have always looked
for new and innovative ways to create roofs, coverings, and other openings. The dome constructed is more than 42 meters wide, with its size almost equaling that of the Roman Pantheon. Through Brunelleschi's design, the material and timber project initially was never used. In order to attain his construction objective, he invented hoisting machines that possessed intricate gears and pulleys that eased the construction process. Although there were challenges in the construction process, the approach used reveals the work that architectures and other design artists undergo to construct roofs, coverings, and openings. It is believed that Arabic and Byzantine dome designs influenced Brunelleschi's plan.
Different elements are required and used in the construction of roofs, coverings, and openings. Over the years, architects and building designers have introduced different materials to achieve specific construction work aims. Some of these elements have been used for centuries, and modern architects apply them in their designs.
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