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The Nature of Tourism and how it Impacts in Maldives

Essay Instructions:

The destination is Maldives and only questions 3 & 4 need to be done.
In your project, evaluate the social, cultural and environmental impacts of tourism in your chosen destination, examining impacts through the lenses of its various stakeholders, and analyze how sustainable tourism can help minimize negative impacts and maximize positive ones.
1. Briefly describe the destination you chose: Where? How do you get there? Is it developed? What type of visitor?
2. Analyze the sociocultural, economic and environmental impacts tourism has in the destination. Look at both positive and negative impacts in the three areas. 
3. Is there a local certification agency or effort to promote/develop sustainability in your destination? If so what is it? Briefly explain the effort or ecolabel.
4. What are major problems in the destination that need to be addressed? Where do visitors come from?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Tourism Impacts in Maldives
Tourism Impacts in Maldives
The environment has a direct impact on tourism, and the converse is also true. It would be affected on how we work on it. The United Nations states that the effects on the environment will depend on the activities taking place thereof like infrastructural constructions. Also, it can conserve or destroy the environment (United Nations Environmental Program, n.d.). To explain this, Maldives is our site visit to find out the impact of tourism on its environment. Briefly, Maldives is a nation in the Indian Ocean and has several islands which attract tourists. Being in the remote, it remains one of the best choicesduring the winter or summer.In studying the impact of tourism, the sustainability efforts, and eco-label together with problems in the destination that needs to be addressed, it becomes ideal for the course.
The environmental situation in Maldives has been affected by constructions. Some parts of hills and coral rocks have been grounded to pave the way for structures and easy access. Furthermore, activities like fishing are done in excess that the aquatic life is reduced(Environmental Protection Agency, n.d.). Blasting during mining has led to the damaging of coral reefs that were attractive sights. To solve these, there exists a body called “Environmental Protection Agency” that constitutes laws, pass them and ensure they are observed. The body works under thesupervision of the Ministry of Environment.
For the tourism industry, they have made sure that stakeholders comply with the environmental safety laws. First, the hotels are to use efficient methods to dispose of wastes. Diving, snorkeling, and overfishing are examples they have to regulate to meet their objectives(United Nations Environmental Program, n.d.). In the past, constructions have led to the clearing of forests and trees that degrade the environment. Also, rubbish disposals by the tourists was a major challenge at first. There are ugly scenes of wastes thrown anywhere by the tourists themselves. Where an individual or a company or any stakeholder is found to be polluting the environment, they are in danger of being charged and facing the law (Environmental protection agency, 2010). An example is the banning of scuba gear to fish as it leads to overfishing and prohibiting some exports from the marine life. These ensure they are never caught to contain the populations.
There are two sources of problems in Maldives. The first are the hotels and restaurants. For ins...
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