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Roles and Responsibilities of International Organizations in Tourism

Essay Instructions:

Please look at the file attached. The country for this assignment would be India vs Bhutan. There are also powerpoint that could help writer. Please read ALL attachment
Essay Topic: 
With reference to the achievements of at least 2 destinations compare and contrast the effectiveness of national tourism policy versus the work of international organisations in achieving sustainable tourism development over the past 25 years.
Please use Bhutan and India for that 2 destinations.
The national tourism policy affect by local government or international organizations. 
The eaasy basically invite students for a debate on the view point of :
- The role of international organizations in comparison to national government policies
- Do you agree that the involvement of international organizations are essential in assisting a destination to develop sustainable tourism? This should be the conclusion to your findings.
Point to consider(1)
- Define the definition / concept of sustainable tourism development. How this can be achieve?
- Reason(s) for why governments may get involved in tourism.
- Type of roles government may undertake.
- Is the involvement in tourism at the international level a necessary? Give reasons.
Point to consider(2)
- Consider a discussion of
1. Roles and responsibilities of different type of international organizations in tourism.
2. International agreements with an impact on tourism
- Examples of how tourism has been affected in different as a result of your identified organizations or international agreements.
Point to consider (3)
- An evaluation of whether your mentioned international organizations or agreement have had a positive or negative impact in the examples that have been discussed.
- You need to give your view on why the involvement of these international organizations or agreements may or may not necessary.
Please use Bhutan and India for the 2 destinations, 
The Government must be Bhutan and India's government
All of the example should be related with Bhutan and India.
The international organizations or agreement should be related with Bhutan and India.
Essay format
Fully referenced your essay in Harvard Referencing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Roles and Responsibilities of International Organizations in Tourism
Roles and Responsibilities of International Organizations in Tourism
Tourism is a significant segment in the world economy and is a facilitator for economic progress and expansion in many nations. Tourism has the potential to generate foreign exchange, revenue and employment opportunities in the specific destinations. It helps to branch out economic doings, allowing countries to redeploy wealth and jobs from more established urban areas to regional communities.
A developing tourism industry supports economic development through enhanced infrastructure such as roads, electricity networks as well as enhanced education, health and communication services. Tourism has the prospective to play an imperative role in encouraging sustainable growth, through the protection of natural and cultural heritage. Tourism is developing quickly in many developing nations. Tourism is the ultimate segment of global economy and acts as the mainstay of most countries’ economies. Tourism establishments can be in pole position of diversity management due to the excessive focus on the prominence of the tourism sector. Tourists are motivated to come in large numbers if they discover staff that they can relate with based on age, disability and other aspects. Staff diversity can be heightened through the merchandises sold to tourists.
The concept of sustainability in the tourism sector has gained significant prominence in the past few years. It is also projected to remain influential in terms of shaping industry trends in the future. Sustainability refers to a set of practices, principles, and guidelines that related to an organizations approach to managing issues such as the environment, economy, and the socio-cultural aspects of the tourism industry (Cooper, 2012). Sustainable environment requires the efficient use of environmental resources and the employment of ecological processes that help to conserve the biodiversity and natural heritage. Sustainability also involves incorporating ethical and moral principles in making critical decisions as well as in the practice of managing the tourism industry.
More specifically, sustainability aims at striking a balance between these key factors in order to establish and guarantee the long term benefits associated with tourism. As such, sustainable tourism entails respecting the socio-cultural issues of different communities. Particularly, this involves preserving the cultural heritage of the people and conserving the traditional values that contribute and enhance intercultural interactions between different people (Beirman, 2003).
Furthermore, sustainable development also entails utilizing long term economic operations that result in socioeconomic benefits for all stakeholders in the industry. Another key constituent of sustainable development in the tourism sector is the environment, which required the efficient use of environmental resources and the employment of ecological processes that help to conserve the biodiversity and natural heritage (Cooper, 2012). Sustainability also involves incorporating ethical and moral principles in making critical decisions as well as in the practice of managing the tourism industry.
Sustainable development of tourism requires the participation and contribution of all major stakeholders to ensure there is consensus. Besides, this is a long term and a continuous process that involves constantly monitoring and instituting corrective measures to ensure the main objective is attained. One of the sectors in the tourism industry that has been affected the most by the concept of sustainable development is the tourist destinations sector. Tourist destinations are the various locations and sites that have been designated as tourist attraction centers. These include historical sites, beautiful sceneries, national parks, and museums amongst other relevant places (Buhalis, 2003).
Sustainable Tourism in Bhutan
More than a few nations including Bhutan have verified that tourism is not horrible. Bhutan is conceivably the best example where measured tourism has been effective in guaranteeing the sustainability of the industry in the long run. It has added considerably to foreign exchange incomes and government proceeds, to income and work generation and to regional progress to a certain amount. It has generated opportunities for the expansion of locally owned and functioned private sector initiatives. (Cooper, 2012).
Bhutan's tourism prospective is significant with comparative recompenses in many parts to guarantee economic growth and divergence. Cultural tourism, eco-tourism and sports tourism that are founded on the country's natural beauty, biodiversity and distinctive and discrete culture offer abundant openings for further progress of the industry. The tourism industry can also produce jobs at a time when joblessness is becoming a problem with limited job openings in the government and private segment.
Bhutan has a visibly established outline for the expansion of tourism. It has vibrant tourism policies, exceptional tourism resources, an evolving and growing private sector, competent and experienced workforces, reputable marketing channels and associates. In short, the preliminary phase of setting up the tourism segment, of denationalizing the industry, and of launching Bhutan as an élite, distinctive destination has been attained.
Tourism in India
The tou...
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