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Brand Name Essay

Essay Instructions:

Some hotel managers believe the “brand” name on a hotel is critical to its success; others feel profitable hotels can still be operated as independents or that the brand name on a hotel is actually less important than it once was. What do you believe are the major obstacles faced by independent hotels? How can an effective management team overcome these issues? Be specific with your explanation.

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Brand Name
Independent hotels which are commonly referred to as boutique hotels are small in every aspect but ideas. This means that their brand presence, capital, market and products awareness among other things are much smaller than the larger well-known brands. For the larger hotels, their brand is global and thus their marketing ventures are not directed solely on expanding but on maintaining their status. Relative to the fact that they enjoy the status, they also have the capital and talent pool to pull of some of the most risky moves in the market and be in a position to survive any downtime. Boutique hotels lack the advantage of the brand awareness and the massive capital and therefore have to work harder to get the customers in a market that dominated by larger and more experienced entities.
However, they can manage to be competitive despite their size and amount of resources available. Making changes to save on power can easily shore up more than 30% of costs, which can be directed at other ventures such as marketing and technological advances. Management teams should look at creating a unique experience to the customers thereby creating their niche. It is the experience that customers have that will sell the brand. Big brands do not always catch the attention of the customers as there too many customers to serve. However, the smaller brands have a chance to create the unique products, services and polish up the experience that most customers are looking for in the industry.
A good number of customers are not looking for the brand, but the quality of service, it is this that the management should focus their energy on. With technology, small independent hotels have the chance to market their unique offers on the globa...
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